Friday, March 30, 2012
Photohunt/Save the world: Gigantic Garage Sale.
Artificial flowers and an artificial surf guard were for sale. The child who gave up his bear has a big heart.
Some of the busy people at the sale this morning, Mike Buckley and Nell Dickey from CBM, Jean from CBM and church, Eileen and David Asbury from Church. There were of course, many people who helped. The weather was excellent. I recall, not too long ago, I was at one where we had to rush and grab out stuff to the walk way because it rain twice.
Jean has a passion for children. I have a passion for Africa. Jean is going to Africa. My Church Mt Albert Baptist Church supported her cause. There was a monster garage sale and more than 10 members of the CBM people were here. The weather was glorious. I was there not to work, but to take photos and I made a new friend Mike.
Mike told me he wasn't going to Africa, but to India. Coincidentally, as I was driving to the sale, I heard over the radio, how people are afraid to go to India because they were afraid to catch the Indian belly. It is very admirable for people to leave the comforts of their home country to go to a third world.
Ka Pai jean, Ka Pai Mike.
Monster Garage Sale started today from 7.30am. It is a mutual help. You get rid of your clutter – household goods, furniture, clothing, books, toys, crockery, white-ware, kitchen-ware and so much more. The needy people buy the stuff cheaply and all the proceeds go to Africa. This time the proceeds go towards transporting children's Christian literature to Africa.
What is CBM?
Since 1963, CBM has been committed to “Helping You Reach Today’s Children”. We are a non-denominational, non-profit organisation with branches in several countries.
CBM depends on the prayer and gifts of interested supporters for the continuation of the work – helping Christians reach the children of the world with the positive Christian message and to disciple them in their walk.
A brief overview of the history and ministry of CBM.
What does CBM do?
1. We reach out to children in holiday camps, schools, churches and other ministry settings.
2. We train and equip those who are doing a spiritual work with children.
3. We produce and distribute high quality, relevant, life-changing teaching resources.
The theme for today's photohunt is artificial.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
FSO: Neglected Structures -
Ngarimu with my second Sister Elizabeth. She looks like my twin.
These are very privileged photos, they are not opened to the public. My friend Ngarimu took us to these gun emplacements and underground bunkers. The British took the land from the Maori people at Bastion Point. The land belongs to his people. His grand dad was the chief and he is a future chief. These structures take us a lot of land and are linked to one another. The Maoris had to "fight" the government to take this land back.
Coastal fortifications were constructed in New Zealand in two main waves. The first wave occurred around 1885 and was a response to fears of an attack by Russia. The second wave occurred during World War II and was due to fears of invasion by the Japanese.
The fortifications were built from British designs adapted to New Zealand conditions. These installations typically included gun emplacements, pill boxes, fire control or observation posts, camouflage strategies, underground bunkers, sometimes with interconnected tunnels, containing magazines, supply and plotting rooms and protected engine rooms supplying power to the gun turrets and searchlights. There were also kitchens, barracks, and officer and NCO quarters.
The Russians never came, and they were left to ruin. These was returned to the Maoris. A famous artist painted the walls, but were not maintained. Young Maori people on weekends hold parties.
An old Maori boat or Waka. They had to use a crane to lift the boat from the sea up to the cliff. It will cost a lot of money to rebuilt it.
An old mineral bath in Rotorua. Here is me in the middle with my oldest Sister Rose. Rotorua is a place almost every visitor to New Zealand visits. It is geothermal land.
An old barn at Mangere.
March 30: Neglected Structures - Abandoned or neglected places make interesting photos. Try to compose a photo to capture the feeling of abandonment.
link to Mr Linky at the Friday shoot out link below.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
save the world: Oyster shells.
When I first came to New Zealand as a university student, sometimes I went out with other foreign students to the beach. We were seafood crazy, and when we saw the beach with oysters, we went wild, and used rocks to hammer at the top shell of the oysters and ate the oysters.
Friends who were here longer than us told us to stop. They said when we hammered at the top shell and left thebottom shell, the smooth side of the bottom shell prevents the babies to abhere to the rocks. Eventually they die.
I told the same reasoning to new visitors, but did they listen? Evenually, the rocks become graveyards.
The beach at Point Chevalier where I live have oysters, but they are very small. The shells are sharp and cut beach users' feet. I have to wear special beach shoes as in this photo.
Last Saturday, the council invited residents to come to get rid of the oyster shells to make the beach a better and safer place. I wanted to go, but have a prior appointment.
Here's the notice.
2012 Point Chevalier Beach Oyster Clean-up
the purpose of the clean-up is to help make the beach safer and more enjoyable for beach-goers, especially swimmers and beachwalkers
co-ordinated by the Point Chevalier Community Committee, in association with Auckland Kitesurf and Albert Eden Local Board, and funded and supported by Auckland Council
date and time: 3pm, Saturday 24 March 2012
the focus of this year's clean-up involves chipping live oyster shells off the rocks and picking up loose shells washed up on the beach. The clean-up is at a different location this year, taking place at the Coyle Park end of Pt Chevalier beach
following the clean-up, the oysters and shell collected will be recycled into compost
those people who are keen to participate this year are asked to register by contacting Murray Cameron from the Point Chevalier Community Committee .
volunteers will need to meet at the bottom of Coyle Park Beach steps
it is advised that people wear closed footwear and if possible, bring their own gardening gloves, bucket, spade and wheelbarrow. Some equipment will be provided
the clean-up will be followed by a BBQ for volunteers, provided by Auckland Council
Address volunteers will need to meet at the bottom of Coyle Park Beach steps
I went to the beach yesterday, the beach had pristine white sand.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Photohunt: Shoes
Our Travelwise week culminated with a Fancy Feet Competition on Friday 23rd March in Whole School Assembly. I was working so I wasn't there.
But I did take this photo outside a class room.
Gattina, looks like they did it just for this week's theme.
Sunday Stills-Weather or Not
Sunday Stills-Weather or Not
I should have saved Transitions for this week when winter ends and spring begins but in keeping with the seasons lets find us some weather…..naughty or nice. Let’s show everyone what it’s doing in your neck of the woods.
Have you still got frost and dead weeds or blossoms…
..snow, wind, rain or blue skies?
Here in Auckland, we don't have snow. We get plenty of rain. We are heading towards Autumn. We have flowers all year round.
This is Albert Ng. He has lived through all sorts of weather. He was born in Cambodia, a tropical weather, went to Hong Kong and Macau, a sub tropical weather, endured the freezing Canadian winter, and then a temperate Australia and New Zealand weather.
Albert graduated with aBachelor degree in Applied Theology at Carey Baptist College.
Today, he was welcomed to Mt Albert Baptist Church as our Chinese pastor. Here he is, welcomed with his wife Lily and children as a family, by our lead pastor, Jonathan Dove.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Friday My Town Shoot Out :interesting 'tops' your town offers.
Friday My Town Shoot Out for 3/23: Steeples, Spires and Weathervanes
Share interesting 'tops' your town offers.
link to Mr Linky at the Friday shoot out link below.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Our World Tuesday: The pap smear
These are some of the women and man I teach at my ESOL class. I teach them about getting pap smears for themselves and their friends, and for the men, for their wives and sisters. In some countries, you pay a lot of money to get it done. ESOL stands for English speakers of other languages,
In New Zealand, not all women want this done, especially the ethnic women. There is a fear of going. Women are like the plants, strong but if you don't take care of yourselves, nobody will take care of you, and your family will lose someone they depend on. It is free.
1. What is a cervical smear test and how is it done?
Cervical screening aims to detect abnormal changes to the cervix (the nec of the uterus or womb) before they can develop into cancer. Safe and effective treatment for pre-cancerous lesions detected by screening will prevent progression to cancer. When you have your smear you will be asked to lie on your side or your back with your knees bent up. The lower part of your body will be covered with a sheet. The smear taker gently opens the vagina with a plastic or metal speculum and carefully sweeps a sample of cells from the surface of the cervix with a thin broom or brush. It takes only a few minutes to take the smear. Some women may find the test a little uncomfortable. The test sample is either smeared onto a glass slide or placed in a liquid. It is then sent to a laboratory approved by the NCSP.
By reading randomly, I read online an advertisement an invitation to win a chance to be a guest blogger in a local women's magazine. So last night, I did this post, it doesn't matter if I don't win. It gave me an opportunity to spread a topic I am passionate about and to help those ESOL women I am in contact with.
You watch the television advertisement of a group of Unise, Maata, Sisa, and their girl friends giggling as they pack into a white van. I laugh out loud, why are women in the 21st century still frightened of getting their pap smear done?
Last Monday, I went to my doctor for my flu jab. She said I was due for my pap smear. Yes, I have had done it many times, but I still feel funny. You see, my privates are my privates, except for my husband. I suppose. I always tell my kids in school, your privates are your privates. I always feel that my privates have a funny smell. In the past, when I booked for a screen, and I always cleaned myself well before I went.
But to save from another trip, I said yes. The nurse said the pap smear could only be done in between my period. I smiled and told her, I finished my period couple of years back. I can do my pap smear anytime. The nurse pointed a chair by the bed. Put your underpants and pants there. I felt embarrassed, I have had four pregnancies, and I sometimes suffer from weak bladder leakage. I have been lazy in doing my pelvic floor exercise, lazy and naughty girl. So to avoid any accidents, I always lined my undies with a thin pad.
The nurse made small talk about my fantastic running shoes. She asked if it was good. She's the second stranger who asked me. The other was a lady where I get my fresh fruit and vegetables. She asked if that was the shoe they advertised to help people lost weight. How I wish. I wear it because I walk a lot in school.
Anyway, I took off my pants and undies, and folded them nicely in a pile on the chair. Then I got on the bed and covered my legs and lower body with the blanket. I waited for the nurse. She came with a form for me to read and sign. "It's for the flu vaccination."
"I need my glasses. I don't normally need them, but I need them to read," the fifty something vain pot trying to justify herself for not wearing her reading glasses.
I read and signed my life away. Next came the procedure. The nurse told me to lie on my side, pull my legs up.
"It is going to be a little cold," gently warned the nurse.
"It,s okay, I have done this loads of times before," who was I trying to reassure an experience nurse?
"There you are, it all done," said the nurse.
I would be lying if I said I didn't feel a thing. I did feel the instrument going into my privates. But what is a little discomfort when it means it could save your life. Even if it showed a negative result, you have peace of mind. So my sisters, go do your pap smear. Go and encourage your sisters to do it.
I conclude this with Helen Reddy singing in my ear, " I am woman, hear me roar!"
Monday, March 19, 2012
Save the world: Save your ears.
These two guys, Kuru Westhupp and Lance came to school with their magnificient machines. They went vroom vroom round the field. It looked like they were having a race and having fun.
When I took the photo of their company, they felt a bit embarassed because the truck looked a bit old. I told them, I wasn't worried. I want to comment their boss of Maintec Mowing. The two boys were wearing protection for their ears.
Ka Pai to Kuru and Lance, Ka Pai to their boss. Otherwise, they would lose their hearing before they grow old.
I like their boss to know that these two boys are excellent PR for his company. They were very friendly. May be because they have their hearing.
My Chinese grandpa used to tell me the worst handicap is being deaf. In his reasoning, he says, the deaf person can see you talking and laughing about you, but can't hear you. That is why a deaf person is very grouchy.