Wednesday, November 26, 2008


New Zealand capital of Victorian architecture and the "Living History" environment including Victorian Heritage Celebrations.

I was curious about the man made erosion prevent stones. Interesting , they have these stones in India.

We went to see penguins. The first one we went, we saw a lone solidary penguin. Then we saw the world's smallest penguins, in their natural environment.These Blue Penguins nest close to town under the cliffs along the Historic Harbour foreshore. The Oamaru Blue Penguin Colony is just beyond the Victorian Heritage Precinct. You are not allowed to take pix. The guide warned if anyone was caught taking pix, the camera would end up as flossam, washed up the beach.

I was awed by how these tiny penguins could beat the giant ocean surf and come back to roost every evening. It was bitterly cold that evening, but it was worthed it.

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