Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Slip, Slop, Slap, Wrap

SLIP: wear loose and long sleeved clothes, collar tops to prevent sun burn

SLOP: on all our skin, slop generously UV sun screen

SLAP: a wide brim hat

WRAP: sunnies or sunglasses

SLIDE: under the shade under sun umbrellas or trees

In Summer, I always slap on a wide brim hat. When I see friends, I greet them, sometimes they couldn't recognise who is under the hat with my face wrapped by my sunnies.

The Water engineer went to Brisbane, and one of his regulation "uniform" was this white Aussie hat. In perth, he was also given a Khaki cotton shirt which I joked made him a labourer.

We should all do our bit to protect ourselves.

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