Monday, January 26, 2009

Eating Fish & Chips

This is how the Kiwis eat their fish and chips when they buy them as a takeaway food. The pack comes with a sliver of lemon,  chips are sprinkled with salt. They are wrapped in several layers of newsprint, and the outer layer in newspaper. The chips are fatter or thicker than French Fries.

My friend A discovered this place along Sandringham road and said it was good. I thought, if A from England, the home of Fish & Chips says it is good, it must be good. So we have been patronising him. The proprietor is also called Sam. So when we feel gluttony for junk food, I will ask my Sam if he prefer's Sam's place or McDonalds or Long John's place. Most of the time, he likes Sam's place.

Aussies find the way Kiwi's pronounce Fish & Chips very funy. To them, it sounds like Fish & Ship.

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