Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Year's Party


We had a Bring a Plate party at J & J's place on New year's evening. I had already posted on her Steam Boat. We had chicken, fish balls, crabs, prawns, noodles, dumplings and th elist goes on.

J is from the Phlippines, and she said that they like lamb there. She roasted a leg of lamb, made almond topped brownies, apple pies, roasted chickens, fruit salad of exotic berries. Friends brought hors devours , lasange, spaghetti   and macaronis with names I couldn't pronounce. I brought my lamb shanks, chocolate mousse and saffron rice.

With such a long list of yummy food, I soon became a pig. I was snorting down the delicacies and slurping down her fruit punch. Oh dear, I had packed kilos of unwanted fat.

The next day, when the water engineer suggested we went for a bush track, there was no time to be pig headed. I put on my running shoes and agreed to go straight away. I didn't complain when we walked miles and miles, hoping to burn off some of the unwanted calories.

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