Monday, January 26, 2009

Parachute Music Festival 2

Parachute is a festival of a different kind. Even the newspapers and Television reported it. It started back in 1989 with 1200 people on a camp site. This one, the 19th had 25,000 campers, and is the biggest Christian festival outside USA.

There was a lot of fun, and even our three pre-teen boys enjoyed themselves. Sam slept in a tent with M, and I asked if he slept well. "Yes! but of course, not as comfortable as his own bed."

Four days at the festival, Sam came back with his friends J & M. They headed straight to the computers. Modern kids!

L. stayed over for tea/dinner, and she being in the organising committee and doctor would know all about it. I hope she has pysched the water engineer enough to go to next year's Parachute 20th festival.

This morning, for breakfast, Sam helped himself to some sushi rice I made for him yesterday.  He missed his rice.

I will post some pix at the camp when L. gives them to me.

Festivals are generally known to be hippy types, with booze, drugs and alternastive life style. here the police find the campers well behaved, and booze and drugs are banned. 

***Here is Sam the day after, holding his pass, still sun burnt and mozzie bitten. He says enthusiaitically, " I will be back"***

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