Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Parachute Music Festival 2009

Sam is going to Parachute Music festival this after noon. He is so excited. His friends J & M's mum L invited him to a 4 day camp where L is a camp doctor. He would be sharing a tent with J. I am sure he would have fun in the Parachute 2009 festival.


The 2008 Parachute Music Festival was a remarkable weekend of music and ministry. Our thanks go out to all the crew, artists, staff, sponsors, attendees and supporters who made P08 one of the best festivals yet. Listed below are some encouraging statistics: 

• More than 25,000 people attended, more than 6,000 of whom would not call them selves Christians
• More than 2,000 people committed their lives to Jesus for the first time, were councelled through that process and connected to a local church. This was the largest response ever experienced at a Parachute Festival. 
• $60,000 was raised to build classrooms for a school in Parachute’s sponsored community in Rwanda.

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