Monday, January 12, 2009

Siamese babies

I read today's NZ herald with a gasp, "Not again!" and felt for the mum who's has the prospective of having a child or two children who would die.
In 2000, I was privileged to be involved with two Siamese twins from Nepal. I answered an appeal and set up my own appeal in NTU. I made a scrap book with all the emails, newspaper cuttings and photographs. I saw Jamuna and Ganga while they were still conjoined. This is a great privileged.
It was a very intensed and hard work. But if I have to do it again, I will happily do so.
Sadly, Ganga died in 2008.
In the photos, the young couple are the parents, Sandhya Shrestha and Bhushan. Sandhya is reading my scrap book. Manchala is my very good friend. Shrija is from Nepal. The elderly gentleman is Shrija's father-in-law. Both Manchala and Shrija were involved in the donation drive.
My readers may remember my post:
UK mum 'blessed' with two-headed baby 

8:53AM Tuesday Jan 13, 2009

A British mum is preparing to give birth to Siamese twins with two heads but just one body.

Lisa Chamberlain, 25, says she feels "blessed" to be pregnant with the twins and on the brink of making British medical history if they are born alive.

She and fiance Mike Pedace were told by doctors that the twins had a 20 per cent chance of surviving but decided not to abort the twins because they were a gift from God.

"Some people might look at me and say, 'You're going to give birth to a freak' - but I don't care because I feel blessed," Chamberlain told The Sun newspaper.

"To me, my twins are a gift from God and we're determined to give them their chance of life."

After Chamberlain, 25, underwent a scan last week, doctors were stunned to discover she was carrying conjoined babies with two heads attached to one body with one heart.

The babies are known as dicephalous twins, the rarest known type of Siamese twins.

Chamberlain discovered she was pregnant in December after being told for years she probably would never have children because she had poly cystic ovaries.

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