Sunday, February 1, 2009

Eden Park 3

Eden Park is New Zealand's largest stadium. Our rich sporting and social history, and our international profile, is unmatched by any other stadium in the country.

Eden Park has been in existence as a sports ground since 1900. It began its life as a swamp, but by 1914 the ground was drained and turned into two ovals.

The Park became the home of Auckland Cricket in 1910. The Auckland Rugby Union leased the Park in 1914, officially making Eden Park its home in 1925.

In 1926 a Trust was set up that provided for a group of Trustees to manage Eden Park primarily for the benefit of Auckland Cricket and Auckland Rugby. The Trust still manages the Park today.

***All fenced up so that freeloaders like me don't peep through the fence and watch for free. LOL I don't follow these two sports much, but having young students, naturally I try to keep up. I am sure my students will be very sad that their hero Dan Carter, All Black's best kicker has an injury  and has suffered an achilles tendon tear while playing in Perpignane. Kids are funny, they like to talk to you about their sports. ***

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