Friday, February 6, 2009

New Zealand: Waitangi Day 2009 :2

It was a "Zero-waste" Waitangi Day festival. Ngarimu of the Ngati Whatua marae and his leaders opened us his marae for us to enjoy the hospitality of his people before we set out to be "Zero-waste" educator.
Last year, they diverted 79% (4.9 tonnes) to worm farms and recycling. This year, the organisers were hoping to at least match that effort.
Our roles were to increase the awareness of the pubic to separete their waste into Kai for composting and the worm farm, recycling materials like bottles and cans, and as little as possible to the little plastic bag to send to the landfill.
I learned for the first time about degradeable potato food containers and forks and spoons.
Is "Zero-waste" sustainable in a festival with more than 25,000 people attending for the whole day?
The Green party and Jo from the Zero waste Trust spoke on Thursday night on their vision. If every one does it's part, it can be possible.
***Jo Knight from the Zero Waste trust cleaning up after breakfast. She shared her insights the evening before, and with some of us at breakfast. Some of the volunteers from regent School with their teacher. Fonua, I spoke with on Thursday evening. ***

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