Saturday, February 21, 2009

Tongariro Crossing

Tongariro is New Zealand's oldest national park and a dual World Heritage area. This status recognises the park's important Maori cultural and spiritual ..

The water engineer went with his friends and he never stopped telling what a beautiful sight it was, and how difficuit it was to complete the crossing. I wish I had gone with him, but I didn't train. He says, he would train Sam, may be I will secretly train and go with them, otherwise I will never hear the end of it. Oh my poor knees.


  1. These are beautiful photos. How wonderful it must be to go hiking there. I used to hike a lot in Switzerland. (When I was young(er)! I had an accident and now my left leg does not always want to do what I want.

  2. Beautiful images, I so wish I could go there one day.

  3. Dear Kate,

    Thanks for visiting my blog. A lot of Malaysian and Singaporeans come to visit NZ. They don't normally go the the Tongoriro Crossing.

    You have beautiful photos, and I have been to many of those places, your pix give me good memories.

    I made a mistake on the first comment in your blog, I sent it from another account which doesn't have a blog. Both comments are from me.

    Glad to become your online friend.
    What flower is your profile?

  4. Great country, i would love to experience it for myself but am no longer able to. NZ has so much to offer scenically as wellas culturally.

  5. Ann,
    Lovely views!

    I came here via My World Tuesday but note that you do not have a link back to that meme. Would you please add it? All who participate in this meme do so.

  6. This is a beautiful place. It reminds me of Iceland. How unusual.

  7. Those were really farw away looking places to me. Strange and fascinating shapes.

  8. I have heard that is a difficult trek, especially if the weather is extreme at the time. Lovely images, thank you for sharing.

  9. It is a pity you didn't train; it would have been a wonderful experience. Fantastic views.

  10. Thanks for giving us such a nice blog. I have booked a Dialkiwi taxis to explore Auckland
