Thursday, February 12, 2009

Waitangi day 2009, zero waster

The Ngati Whatua O Orakei invited us back as new Whanau at Okahu Bay beach for a BBQ and drinks. It was great to reconnect and see each other after a week.
Ngarimu was happy to announce that we reached a 91% non waste. His next project will be at the Pasifika festival at Western Springs.
Congratulations to Ngati Whatua O Orakei for spear heading this zero waster concept.

The worms are happy chomping away. Someone joked that the worms are the size of snakes.
I think I have recruited three teenage volunteers for next year. One of them asked what do he had to do to join this club. So we have become a club.
Here I like to share an anecdote which I had posted before on my husband's reflective shirt.
Basically it was "When we were growing up, Mum and Dad used to tell us that if we didn't work hard, we would end up being a garbage collector. The garbage collector then was the lowest of all low career choice. The hot tropical weather made the rubbish to rot and stink. People did not bag their rubbish."
When I was sorting the smelly yukky rubbish, I wanted to share this with my fellow volunteers, but I was too tired to. So here it is, Ngarimu.
***The Chief explaining the importance of Zero Waster, Ngarimu telling us the results, Chris who had the dubious job of sorting the rubbish the whole day, the BBQ chef, and Liam who worked so hard on Waitangi Day, beside Liam is Western, who was so jovial despite sorting yukky rubbish***

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