Friday, April 24, 2009

Our Town Shoot Out: My Choice

I've accepted a challenge from Patty to post photos of our local community every Friday. This week's theme challenge is to post photos of my choice in my town.

There are links to all the Friday Shoot Out participants from around the world at the bottom of my left panel. Maybe you'd like to join us as well and post photos of your community? 

I have accepted Barry's invite and am looking at my achives for seomthing about Auckland. The Poppy Day would be really appropriate, but I posted it before I knew of this invite.

Auckland is in an isthmus, we are surrounded by water. Children have waterwise lessons from an early age. Here in Devonport, the children are having sailing lessons. Our Olympic gold medal winner started sailing at the young age of eight.


  1. Great to have you join us, Ann. Let Patty and Reggie Girl know you will be participating.

    I am really looking forward to your contribution!

    And you've been to Toronto! How cool is that!

  2. Welcom Ann!!!! We could'nt be happier to have you on board. You will love this little concept that Patty and I started. You get to see places all over the world and we all get to see your town. Kind of like a free vacation no?
    I look forward to your coming picture's. Please let me know when you post them so I can run right back over here :)

    Steady On
    Reggie Girl

  3. Ann,
    That's awesome! I love the water, and though I live inland, my kids have been taking water safety lessons since the age of 18 months. Last summer they started swimming on a team, at the ages of 5 and 7, and love it. I wish I lived close enough to the water to get them sailing!

  4. Welcome to our little gang. I look forward to reading you, not only on Friday, but all week.

  5. Dear all,

    Glad to be included in your Friday group. Yes, Auckland has so much to offer.

    Midlife, menopause, mistakes and random

    I have problem posting my comment on your blog, the part" choose a profile." There are some blog sites that have them, and sometimes it works, and some times it doesn't. Some blogs don't have this.

    So I am posting it here.

    I LOL at your title. I seem to be attracted to bloggers of the same mind.

    Three years ago, when the menopause hasn't knocked on my door, my daughter treated me to a musical "Menopause" and it was so funny. It was sort of preparation for me. Three years later, I was Free! Free of that monthly slavery to Kotex. LOL I breezed through with no problem.



  6. Welcome to the friday shoot outs

  7. Welcome aboard. It is nice to have someone from your part of the world. What fun seeing those photos. I hope you will have lots more for us in the future.

    This is a fun little project that Reggie Girl and I started, and then Barry joined in, and everyone has contributed so much now, that I don't like to think of it as "our" little project. It is everyone's project now.

    Next weeks assignment is coming from Jen. You, too, will get a turn to pick an assignment. I need to put your name in the bowl!

  8. Yea!! Another player! WElcome to our Friday fun!! I am so looking forward to all your pictures and stories!
    Have a sunny and blessed weekend!!

  9. are just darling :)
    I am having the same problem posting to your comments and then tried the Name/URL option and typed mine in and it took.
    That Kotex story made me laugh so hard I almost fell off of my chair. You could possibly be responsible for a broken hip.
    And I'm breezing through menopause all right.......just with the fans on, lol :)

    Steady On
    Reggie Girl
