Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Rain please

This is what my sisters Rose and Elizabeth coming from Australia, mean when they say New Zealand is so lovely with all the green. The water engineer says Australia is so dry and brown.

The Miracle of water. Let's not spoil it.


  1. How true Ann. I was watching Earth day special report on National Geograhpic yesterday, it is appalling how polution has affected everyone, and how China has overtaken the US as being the no. 1 polluter, well, kinda no brainer there..the China part. We take water for granted everyday and time too and there certainly lots can be done over here, but hey, I guess that's not important for our Govt.

  2. Hi ya Ann, I was looking for your email..but couldn't find it. Well, I guess..great minds do think alike, you can't argue with a fact like that haha!! there is MUCH that Malaysia need to do on environmental issue. Every year, there is a forest clearing for planting crops - very near my home, and we are subjected to smoke for months. Same story every year, someone complain, the officials have a peek, promise to do something..but presto, it happens again the next can safely guess what happened over here, sad but true. YOu asked me about the travelling part, I work in a travel related business ..but definitely not a tour agency, if I have your email, we can talk more ;p Many times, I do wish I could travel to NZ and enjoy the beautiful nature there...

  3. Anne I have been looking through your blog and it is so facinating and interesting...I will be a regular visitor now! Cheers Lynn
