Saturday, May 23, 2009

Friday Shoot out: water

Friday Shoot out for this week is Water,

I was born in Sibu, Borneo. Sibu is along Rejang River which is 350 miles long. We have very high tropical rainfall, about 144 inches annually. Every December, part of the town is flooded. Our houses are on stilts, and the water level comes up to our thighs. I learned to respect the power of the river when after the flood, I see dead cats, dogs and chicken among the flotsam.

I am doing this challenge from a different angle. Water at its different forms. New Zealand is lucky to have so many forms of water. These photos are just the tip of the iceberg. I welcome you all to come and visit us.

Up in the mountains of Papua New Guinea. Mist is a permanent feature. After being married to the water engineer, many of our photos are about water of one form or the other. He took these Papua New Guinea photos when he was there recently on work assignment.

This is steam from a geyser. The more water there is in under ground, the higher will the geyser shoot up. This was taken at the Crater of the Moon. You only pay $6. A commercial tour guide will take you to an expensive place and see the same geysers.

This is a Papua New Guinea dug out. It is almost similar to those I was accustomed to when I grew up in Borneo.

Pneumatophore penetrates the muddy sand at Walker Park Marine Reserve. At low tide, water fills your foot prints soon after you take another step. At high tide, these shoots are submerged in the salt sea water. It takes years for them to grow to mangrove trees. The mangrove trees in Borneo are different, they are tall trees and are used for piling for the foundations of buildings.

This is another location of the Crater of the Moon. We take all our overseas guests there. The height of the geyers depends of the amount of underground water. Some years, there is a lot of geothermal activities. Some years there are less. One year, a German tourist wandered off and he was killed.

New Zealand has a lot of geo thermal activities. These are the cooling tanks of a geothermal power station at Wairekei in Taupo. The water engineer loves this place. Sometimes we even go inside the station.

Looking down the power flowing water of the Huka falls, jet boats operate. I was on top of the fall when the boat came very close to the river where the water came thundering down.

In my young days, we went in one of these rides, the boat went 360 degrees. My friend shot into the bow of the boat and got quite a bump on his head. These jets were called shot over jets. I don't go on these jets any more, so if you are my guest, I could take you there, but you would have to do it by yourself. Lately, there has been some accidents.

On the volcanic Rotorua lake, this sea plane lands on water. This plane will take you on a air safari across volcanic activities.

Just next to the plane, there are many black miniature ducks. I have never seen ducks so small. Tourist like to feed these ducks.

Across the Ocean in Australia, water is a very precious commodity. My sisters Rose and Elizabeth went to visit a farm. They took a photo of this pipe,

This is a nice green photo which reminds me of the country of my birth. Sarawak in Borneo. The pitcher plants are natives there, and it is generally called Monkeys' cups. Apparently monkeys use them as cups. My Dad used to grow water lilies in big jars with dragon mortif that business man used to import salted duck eggs. These giant jars were too big for the boot of his little Fiat. He paid a trishaw rider to take these jars home. He also reared little fish and turtles.

In the 1980s, some one in New Zealand was selling these jars for $150 and I couldn't believe my eyes. The humble salt eggs dragon jar has been flogged off as an antique.


  1. What a tremendous job on this shoot-out! I loved the commentary and history. The photos were top shelf. I was amazed at the long, long, long boat. Was that carved from a long tree, or is it man made? We are blessed to have you participating in the shoot-outs.

  2. What a wonderful variety of photos you chose to show off your beautiful part of the world. I wish we all had geothermal plants.

    That geyser is fantastic. Too bad about the tourist wandering off.

    I don't think I have a favorite.

    Thank you so much for sharing. You did a beautiful job. Makes me want to pack my bags and visit.

    BTW: We have a student from New Zealand and who is going to be teaching sailing at our sailing school this year.

  3. Oh Ann!!!!!! Thank YOU!!!
    I can't tell you when I've seen more beauty......ever. You have stolen the show girl!! I can't even pick a favorite. The guy in the boat......something about that snapshot speaks to me.
    You've outdone yourself Ann. I say you have the best hands down before I even see the other's.
    Thank you for showing us your world. You are a blessing darling lady. A pure blessing from above :)
    Please have a weekend filled with love, joy and laughter my friend and........

    Steady On
    Reggie Girl

  4. Thanks Gordon, Patty and Reggie girl,

    The good thing about being near to the International Date line is while you are still having Thursday, we are already Friday. Not much left though. I like Friday evenings, I go to bed knowing I can sleep in tomorrow.

    The dug out is a dug out. They hollow a tree trunk, and it seats 10 to 12 people.

    Many foreigners are afraid to sit in one. Glad and proud to tell you that my husband was a very brave man. LOL

    The good thing about NZ is, it is so small. It has all the goodies packed in a small container. You have do the whole thing in 2 weeks.

    Right now, we have icebergs breaking off our glacier. Imagine not having to go to the north pole or south pole to see icebergs.

    When I went to Franz Josef Glacier, there were chunks of ice blocks flowing down the streams.

  5. I like the misty mountain very much! real cool! :D

  6. awesome job! nice hearing all about where you were born and live. beautiful pics!!

  7. Being married to the water engineer you sure know your water! This was just wonderful. I learned so much. I'd be the one who would want to ride the shot over jets! I love white water rafting and have doen it in many states here in the USA. Love the thrill of the ride.
    HAve a great weekend, smiles.

  8. Hi, what a wonderful collectionn of photos!!! I loved the geysers photo, that is definitely something that I do not see in my part of the world. I also love the picture of the guy in the boat, out in the middle of the bluest lake I have seen! Wow, through this shoot out and bloggers involved from all over the world, I know that it is a shame that I am stuck in just one corner of the globe, cuz there are some fantastic places out there to be seen, and I would love to be on the plane right now seeing some of them. NZ is definitely going onto my list. For now, I am more then happy though to sit back and "see" the world through all the photos that everyone has posted. A fantastic job. take care, and have a great weekend, Debby

  9. Ann you did a superb job with the topic. The photos are wonderful and I loved the history you told.

  10. Great shots and commentary - so much new information for me to digest. The seaplane made me a little homesick, a friend of my Dad's had one for years. Have a great weekend.

  11. How GREAT, New Zealand has always been on my list of 'want to see' I doubt now that I will get there so I can live it through your eys (and photos). I will now go back in time through your blog and catch some extras. glad to have you in The Gang

  12. Fantastic job on the Shoot out! I love all the natural treasures that you have captured. I really like the water lilies (and interesting story about the jars, who would know right?) :D

  13. Wow! These are amazing shots, and I learned quite a bit about such a diffent place than where I live - Thank You!
