Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sundaystills: Eyes

Eyes of intensity, the owner was demonstrating his karate arts. At that time, he was demonstrating only, as he had just joined the club. He had a beginners white belt. Couple of years down the line, he is almost on his way to a black belt. He isn't so liberal in letting me take his photos if I was going to show his face.

These are a Russian doll's eyes. When I grew up in Borneo, when we drew people, we drew eyes like this, not slitty chinese eyes. In Japanese Comics, they draw very big eyes. There is a hero worship among Asians of big western eyes. Among the Korean television stars, many go cosmetic surgery to enlarge their eyes.

This pair of three and half year old eyes, she was holding her new born baby sister for the first time. Such lovingness and tenderness.

These are innocent toddler's eyes.

Ah Meng, the iconic resident of the Singapore Zoo. Ah Meng entertains tens of thousands of international visitors who pay to have breakfast with the Orang Utans. 

This pair of eyes belong to a student who comes to the Oyugi School for the Deaf in Kenya. My girl friends in Singapore and I were involved in raising funds for the school. We called ourselves "Foodsale" ladies. In the process, we made lots of friends from all over the world.

Another pair of child's eyes.

My first reaction on this assignment was , my little camera doesn't take close up photos. Even if it does, where am I going to get models who would allow me to take their photos.

So with a bit of computer tricks, I came up with these, cropping photos I have in my archives.

Here's photos of children, and an animal. People say children don't lie. Children are innocent.


  1. Love the eyes! Great work and stories!

  2. Love #3! There is nothing as wonderful as a sibling meeting their new brother or sister and the way they adoringly look at the tiny baby! Melts my heart.

  3. Lovely submission. Very well done.

  4. Innocent...and they don't lie, eh?

    You oughta be around when my 6 yr old tries to convince me it wasn't her that scraped all the frosting off the cupcakes....when her mouth and nose are smeared thick with frosting. LOL!

    Lots of eyes you've got to share there. Great stories behind them, too.


  5. You asked on my blog:

    "Never thought of cat's eye pupils this way. How did you get Javalina's eyes to dilate to differetn just.
    Your daughter's eyes, are they slightly different hues? Or it is my lightning?"

    My response:
    I'm not sure what you are asking about the cat eyes or why you have problems understanding why the eyes are 'dilated' differently.
    Cats pupils, just like human eyes will contract and dilate when the lighting changes.
    And as you can see in my pictures, they are taken at different times of the day AND in different locations.
    As for you thinking my daughter's eyes as being differently hued, it must be your lighting. They are the same color.

    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such kind, friendly, thoughtful and generous comments........


  6. Very nice and the story behind the pics is great.. :-)

  7. Love the one of your daughter hold her new sibling what a precious shot.

  8. lovely entry for sunday stills :)

  9. Great shots, Ann.

  10. Well done, I love the intensity in the first one.

  11. Those are all great shots!

  12. Lovely shots. You put alot of thought into your pictures, love your story as well.

  13. The one of the little girl looking downward toward her sister is very expressive of love..very nice:)

  14. Great eyes and great stories!!!

    Mine is up over at the photo blog.

  15. Great post! And lots of great photos!

  16. They are all lovely. I like the Russian doll's eyes in there too, a nice contrast! I've used cropping to emphasize my eye photos, too.

  17. Beautiful idea to show the eyes of children and animals! My granddaughter is not western at all but she and her brother have the most beautiful eyes of the world( says a proud oma). Theuy are the children of my brave daughter with the snake. My daughter doesn't like to kill animals. This snake catches rats, so she finds it very useful. But wait till he grabs her cat or puppy.

  18. Love the pics and the stories!
