Sunday, June 7, 2009

Friday shoot out: Letter M

In New Zealand, we have many marine nature reserves. Children are taught from a young age to "take nothing and leave nothing," This reserve is at Walker park which is near to my school.

This is a Maori craving of a warrior, we saw this somewhere near Awhitu Peninsula.

This is one of the proudest things I have done. I tell everyone, "I ran the Marathon. Then I have to qualify myself saying it was only the quarter Marathon." I rubbed shoulders with the Marathon greats from Kenya and Ethiopia. They told me that the Singapore Marathon was the hardest to run. It was very hot and very humid. You have to be really keen to wake up to train in the morining at 6am before it gets too hot. On the day of the race, I got up at 4 am. The race started for the real marathon at 6am.

There are morning glory plants in Borneo. I was surprised to see them in New Zealand. At the marine reserve, I was told that morning glories are not natives to New Zealand. They stifle and kill the native plants. Most of them are deep purple. This is an unusual light pink.

This is a seed of the Mangrove plant. These seeds are washed up on the beach. In the sheltered Marine reserve, they root and grow into adult mangrove trees. In areas where the waves are very strong, they are washed away.

This is a mountain ridge in Papua New Guinea. The water engineer went on work assignment and photographed the huts from the helicopter.

I find the maiden hair fern one of the hardest plants to grow.

Here is my friendly mower. He was mowing my lawn when I came home from work. I asked if I could take his photo, and he obliged. Then he asked me why I wanted his photo. I wanted to be cheeky and say I wanted to make him the most famous mower in the world. But I just smiled, I have to be careful with what I say.

This is a Muriwai, West Auckland. A windswept rugged coastline stretching 60 km north makes Muriwai one of New Zealand's most spectacular black sand surf beaches. Sportsmen come here to do kite gliding. It must be fun for them to glide out to the ocean and back. It's great to have a sports that don't burn fossil fuel. Good job aka Ka Pai. 

To pay tribute to a country I lived in for sixteen years, I repeated this photo. Every year in Singapore, they celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival or Moon cake festival. This was in the Chinese Gardens in Jurong. They sent off lanterns on the lakes. There is a legend about the lady in the moon.

Here in Malacca aka Meleka in Malaysia, they have these old red buildings, left behind by the Portuguese from the 1500 to 1600s.

Blood is thicker than water, my Chinese ethnicity leads me to Marina South in Singapore, where they have statues of Chinese Heros. Here was a much younger me with my daughters. Not only we have changed, Marina South has changed a lot since this photo.
Alice of Singapore would tell you. They are building Singapore 's first casino and Integrated Resort (IR). They also built the Singapore Flyer, an imitation of the London Eye. It is a huge ferris wheel 165 metres in height, unfortunately it encountered a problem which wasn't very nice.
Friday Shootout: Letter M. This challange turned out quite easy and I enjoyed revisiting my past. For more commentaries, I have linked to many old sites and my other blog


  1. I am always fascinated with your posts. Your Ms were very educational as well as fun. Thanks for being there for us.

  2. Very Cool. I think my favorite is the carving.

  3. Chele,

    I visited your site two times but couldn't post my comment. Got stuck at Choose a profile.

    So I post it here.

    That Mahia Mahia, is it good eating? May I have some for sashimi. You lucky family, I only went once ocean fishing, and I was sea sick. I didn't wait for my bro to tell me no more going with him, I said no more myself.

  4. You live in a very beautiful part of the world. I enjoyed your shoot out pictures very much. The helicopter picture of the Sumatran Rainforest was incredible! It gives me some hope for the survival of orangutans. Maidenhair fern is very lovely. I can understand why people want to try to grow it. Thank you for sharing.
