Sunday, June 28, 2009

Friday shootout: CELEBRATE LIFE!

I am having computer trouble and can't download photos,

Please go to my two old posts of my dad's 80th birthday in 2005 and my grand dad's 71st in 1967. You will see how time has changed the way we celebrate their birthdays.


  1. Oh my goodness Ann! That is a HUGE change in the celebrations! Wonderful! Hope your computer is up and functioning soon!

  2. doesn't that just drive you crazy? someone else was having the same problem - wonder if Blogger which belongs to Google is overloaded. you realize (?) that if your photos are 10mp or more (scanned photos are often HUGE also) the file is so big Blogger can't handle more than one at a time. 'save as' reducing their size and see if it helps. I'll keep checking would like to see those photos.

  3. I was having computer problems as well. I ended up having to redesign my entire blog.

    Its a pain. You certainly hae my sympathy.

  4. So sorry you are having problems posting photos. I did enjoy the two post you linked.

  5. Love the celebrations! I just had my birthday this past month and I spent three weeks celebrating!

    Thanks for sharing...
