Friday, August 14, 2009

Sunday Stills, the next challenge: Clouds

This challenge is much easier. It is winter down under. We at New Zealand is having winter. I hope it won't be long now before spring comes. Meanwhile, our skies are pouring with rain.

Auckland has a lot of rain. Yesterday it rained the whole day. I had to go to different classrooms, and even with a big umbrella, my pants got very wet. The poor kids were confined in their class room as it was a rain day, and they got restless. I can't blame them.

When I was growing up in Borneo, we didn't have a washing machine. The humid tropics meant laundry had to be handwashed everyday in the morning. Mother would look up the sky. If it was a gray cloud, it meant it was going to rain. We would dash outside and bring the laundry in.

Here in Auckland, I do my laundry on Saturday. Like today, the forecast is rain, rain and more rain. The sky is black and the water engineer and the weather fore caster use the term, the sky is very fierce. Anytime now, it is going to pour. My washing machine and drier are going to do overtime, and I have not changed my sheets.


  1. Great shots, I remember being in the Phillipines and Malaysia and it rained all the time, a very sticky situation, even to this day I can't stand the humidity..:-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The clouds like the sea always mystify me. Mums of yester years didn't need the weather forecast when they did their laundry. A look at the clouds my mum could tell whether the rain would fall and roughly at what time. Tks 4 your blog. It has a personal touch which makes reading pleasurable.

  4. Beautiful photos of the clouds. Yes, clouds can tell you a lot. When I was small, Grandma washed her laundry in a wooden washing machine with a pump handle. It was often my job to pump the handle while she attended to other chores.

    Thanks for dropping by. Enjoyed visiting with you once again.


  5. Thanks for stopping by. What is Rumpole

  6. Your clouds seem to be going through all the emotions.

  7. Your skies really look like a lot of rain, we we much need here in So. California. I remember those time in the Phils, where we hang out clothes outside.
    But as the saying goes, there;s sunshine after the rain, depicted by your last shots. Have a great week!

  8. your winter clouds remind me of ours in the Winter in Washington.. they are full of rain!

  9. Great photots...those top three just want to start pouring!

  10. Cool Shots! Various moods I guess! :D
    Is it humid out there? here it is... very! :(

  11. Looks like some serious weather in those first few shots. Nice job.

  12. these are lovely ann
    looks like you had your camera with you at the right time :)

  13. Lovely cloud shots! My part of the world could use a little of your rain!

  14. You can just about smell the rain coming in in those first few pictures! Thanks for sharing.

  15. The V's in the 5th photo look like knitting :-). Nice shots.

  16. We could use some of your rain...but to much is not good either. I don't like humidity and heat. Interesting how you have to plan your wash days acording to the weather. Your photos turned out very nice.


  17. You are blessed with rain! The clouds are lovely.

  18. Nice shots! Definately some ominous looking clouds!

  19. Despite it being summer here, our skies look very much the same. We haven't had more than 3 days in a row without rain since April

  20. We have not been having too much rain nowadays. even if it rain, it only lasted just a few minutes. At least the laundry still get dried even if it rained.

  21. That is a lot of rain to live with. Some places like that one has to put out extra effort to make sure that mildew does not become part of their life. When it rains here I wear rainboots, makes staying dry a little easier. Take care Ann~
