Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Traffic courtesy

Someone wrote to the Local newspaper, the New Zealand's Herald that a warm fuzzy is "Someone making room on the motorway to allow me to enter safely from the on-ramp."

A friend from overseas remarked that New Zealand drivers are very courteous. I remember when I was driving my kids to school in Singapore, I had to get onto the motorway. I admit I am not a very good driver, but boy did I get stressful trying to get on the motorway. I often pray that I could get on safely. The motorists just keep coming, and the motorist behind me often blare their horns.

I am very happy to see in many Auckland of ramps, that they have control lights. They allow one car to merge at a time.


  1. Drivers are reasonably courteous here in Toronto.

    But don't get me started talking about drivers in Montreal!

  2. Couldn't agree more with u. During our tour of south Island NZ, our coach driver stopped at a gateless railway crossing in the middle of a plain where visibility is 1000 metres crystal clear left and right!!! Great caution.
