Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tsunami Warning in New Zealand

I woke up this morning to discussion of the water engineer and daughter G of where was the best place to watch it. Then I watch the television news and found out about the tsunami warning in New Zealand. I told Sam that perhaps we could go to Bastion Point and watch. Sam said, this is where Dad said would be the best place.

Bastion Point is a high cliff belonging to the people of my friend Ngarimu of the The Ngati Whatua O Orakei . We were his guests and the view would be perfect to watch the tsunami. The day we were there, the sun was perfect. The sea was calm.

Today, we have Civil defence warning, the beaches are evacuated. There have been reports of a small wave hitting New Zealand's East Cape after an earthquake struck Samoa, prompting a tsunami warning.

The Ministry of Civil Defence said the quake, measuring 8.3 on the Richter scale struck at 06.48am New Zealand time.

I remember the terrible tsunami of Boxing Day 2004. I help raised funds for the poor victims in Sri Lanka in collaboration with the students of the Nanyang Technological University.


  1. I saw that this AM and said a prayer for everyone near there. It is terrible to be involved in something like that, but amazing to observe the nature that no one can control

  2. I saw on the news on devastation of Samoa island, with waves almost 7 meter high! that's a scary thought.

  3. I hate the sound of tsunami after the one in 2004, what terror.

  4. Hi Ann, glad you and family not affected by that tsunami coming by...
    I guess NZ being an Island does have its moments like this.

    Stay safe and keep well, best regards, Lee.

  5. I read about the Tsunami and hope it is safe at your side. We had our first and worst Tsunami in Penang a few years ago...the same one which flattened Banda Acheh in Indonesia.

  6. I was just in Virginia, and they had just had an earthquake shake the mountains...and also was in PNW and saw 'Tsunami' signs as we drove along the beach, then back up to higher elevations...this is truly scary to imagine, and hope things are okay for you...

  7. I was just in Virginia, and they had just had an earthquake shake the mountains...and also was in PNW and saw 'Tsunami' signs as we drove along the beach, then back up to higher elevations...this is truly scary to imagine, and hope things are okay for you...

  8. these storms are so immense. I hold all going through hardship in the heart of hearts! I was in NZ for the 2004 tsunami, as a traveler I did not hear about it for two days. That was horrible too.
