Sunday, October 11, 2009

Geese going for a Sunday Swim.

This is not a photo shop, I haven't learnt how to do it.

It's not this week's challenge. I am posting this specially for all my fellow bloggers at Friday Shoot Out and Sunday stills and others who comment on my posts and all my followers.

My Sunday outing this afternoon at my favourite Western Springs park got me all excited. Do count, how many goslings there are. I counted 17 or 18. Ka Pai aka good job, Goosey Lucy and Daddy Gander.

In a previous post, I mentioned there were aunties, and indeed, there was an adult goose tagging along mummy and daddy. They swam a whole stretch of over one hundred meters each way like a fleet of naval boats.

I invite you all to come to New Zealand to witness this marvelous sight.


  1. What a lovely sight! Can't wait to come to Auckland!

    Next year perhaps?

  2. you know we have geese here...though I have no idea where they are and hardly see them too.

  3. A couple of great shots Ann! I don't how to photoshop too.

  4. Absolutely DELIGHTFUL photos of these Geese with their adorable goslings! I'm so glad you dropped by Small Reflections and left the link back here so I didn't miss it. Thanks ... and have a lovely week!
    Hugs and blessings,
