Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Friday Shoot out: My Town's Premier Attraction.

Mt Eden is most frequented volcano and tour buses bring hordes of tourists. There is a 360 degrees panorama. You can drive all the way up to the summit. We often climb up the summit along the grassy slopes.

Until recently, the council rented the land out for farmers to graze their cows. But the cows had be grazing newly planted trees, and the Maoris protest that a sacred land should not have cow pats defacing their land. So the cows are off the mountain.

You cross the Auckland Harbour Bridge to the North, and you can go to another volcano , Mt Victoria. For the adventurous like my daughter, you can bungy jump off the bridge, and the semi adventurous like me, you can climb on the bridge and feel the gale blowing your hair.
To the brave who are not scared that the 600 year old volcano might blow up again, you can take a ferry and go to our youngest volcano. Rangitoto. Climbing the summit of Rangitoto, you are rewarded with the best view in town. You see the heights of Auckland's volcanoes, the sky scrapers, and the urban sprawl. Aucklanders try to make the pilgrimage once in their life time. I made that 30 years ago, and would like to go again for the kids. At that time, the slope facing the mainland is full of vegetation, and other side side is still volcanic rocks.

Apparently the Maoris saw the eruption and called it bloodied sky. rangi meaning sky, toto meaning blood.

Kent in Montana ( chose My Town's Premier attaction for this weeks topic. He tells us, "Since we all live in such different places, I thought a good theme might be to show what your hometown is most noted for. For example, the town where I grew up is Greensburg, Kansas, the town now most famous for being blown away by a tornado in May of 2007. So a photo set of tornado damage, or maybe some of the incredible rebuilding effort would be appropriate. Before the tornado though, this little town was most noted for having "The World's Largest Hand Dug Well". It was advertised on billboard signs, and even on the city signs as you entered town along highway 54. So that would be the picture I'd use if I still lived there. All towns have something they are known for. I guess a picture of a big apple might suffice if you live in New York City. Or if you lived in Atlanta, the 'Big Chicken' would work.The way to inspire yourself is to think, "If someone local saw your picture, would they recognize the subject as being from your hometown"? Happy shooting this week, and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's hometown." Kent..

Auckland's Premier attraction will have to be her volcanic field. There are over forty craters in Auckland. While most are mountains on the land of various structure and height, there are islands and lakes.

Rangitoto last erupted only 600 years ago, and it's symmetrical shape can be seen on top of other volcanoes like Mt Eden, Mt Albert, Mt Roskill, Mt Hodson, and along the water front.

I have made numerous posts of Auckland city, both in this site, and in my other site,http:// Do visit them, because I am very proud of this city. or visit


  1. One of my childhood fren who migrated to Auckland few years ago, is back here for a holiday... he told me that the air is very clean and fresh, wonderful for those who opts for peace and tranquility...
    love your pics.. my dream is to uproot myself.. :)

  2. oh by the way, my active blog is

  3. Beautiful! I'm with bungee jumping...only wind gales in the hair....

  4. A great post. I had to laugh at the Maori resentment of cow pats, when it was the erosion the cattle were causing was the serious problem. All those steps up the side which make it easier and safer for humans to climb up the grassy slopes are made by grazing cattle.
    Great views of Auckland.

  5. I love volcanos, but one in my own back yard I don't know - I went up on mount Etna in Cicely (should I say on Cicely?) and tried to climb one in Chile (

    You must have great vegetation from the volcano even if it were 600 years ago. Ann have a great weekend.

  6. I love NZ for it's vast land, beautiful lakes, and of course the sheeps!! But I don't think I'll survive very long there, I'm born and breed city girl!

  7. Nice post on your area. I have never even been close to a volcano. They make beautiful sights in all their eruptive splendor, as long as I am far away.

  8. Oh noooo cows defacing the mountain, of course I would remember that part, ha, since I would swipe them for you and create my own Kobe beef store off the local street, lol!

    Seeing a volcano is on my 'hunt' this!

  9. haven't seen a volcano to see one in the near future..

  10. It is lovely to see Auckland through your eyes...With some Maori views it is all the more interesting.

    May be I should really be visiting next year....

    thanks...and I hope I will soon have a chance to photograph Old Sibu from my perspective.

  11. Hi Ann, very nice...I'm wondering about the fishing there, ha ha. Very scenic city....and nice to have the sea close by too.
    You now having Summer I guess?
    I have a sister in Auckland....can't remember where she lives though.
    Have a nice day, Lee.

  12. Nice shoot out on Auckland, Anne. It must have been hard deciding what to focus on!

  13. That's certainly something Pensby cannot boast - not even extinct ones! A most enjoyable post, thank you Ann.

  14. ANN - you do know don't you that volcanos are a system ('a chain of volcanos') one blowing releived the pressure on the chain temperarily! and a live volcano means the chain is alive.

    just a geological note to make your day!

  15. my good friend just went there christchurch to work for his uncle's petrol station, always ask me to go, i think if i go Nz. Must stay for one month lah,,,, NZ so big,,,

    like the photos,, tq

  16. Very interesting series of photographs. I found the comments about the Maori's objecting to the cows on the hill to be very interesting.

  17. What a beautiful, gorgeous vista!!!! I would like to climb to the summit myself.

    Thanks for visiting today, and leaving a wonderful, sweet, comment.

  18. I've never seen a volcano, and after seeing the movie 2012, I think that might be a good thing.

    Beautiful pictures, Ann.

  19. Hi Ann, this is a very interesing post There is a building in your panoramic view that reminds me of the space needle in Washington and the Stratosphere in Las Vegas.

    I'm not brave enough for bungee jumping but I do like my hair blowing in the wind.

    Oh, and how dreadful that they removed the cows from the mountain.

    Your photos are very nice.

  20. The one time I flew into Auckland, I was struck by the brilliant green of the land. Had I known that it was built in the midst of a volcano field,I would have been doubly impressed.

  21. Wow! Great shots Ann. I lived in Oahu for 4 years, and made it to the top of Diamond Head several times. The views looking down on the city remind me of those hiking trips!

  22. Its great to learn all about the volcanoes of Auckland. I didn'tknow that cows were grazing on Mt Eden, but I am all for that. The cow pats make the ground more fertile and no less sacred..

  23. Very Cool! I mean potentially hot...with so many volcanoes! You have such a lovely town! Great info and great shots!

  24. Oh my i just know that there are also volcanoes in NZ. Here in the Philippines we have some too, few erupted some years ago. I like the view of Rangitoto.
