Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Friday Shootout: Skyline

November 6 - Skylines by Kate
"My topic is up to bat this week and I picked Skylines. One of my favorite things to see when I go to a new city is the look of their skyline - and for me, skylines can be the look of a small-town Main Street or the giant buildings of a huge city's downtown or a field full of corn. What is the "skyline" that you think of when someone mentions your town?"

Two icons of Auckland stand out, our Harbour Bridge and our sky tower.

The Sky Tower is the highest building in the Southern Hemisphere, and can be seen in all the volcanic cones, and from the sea.


  1. It's almost like Spore isn't it, with so many tall buildings. I've been to Auckland once and hopefully will have a chance to visit it again in the future.

  2. I love it! The Sky Tower really stands out in the middle of a bunch of much shorter buildings.

  3. Wonderful skyline shapes. I'm really glad you posted early because I will probably be too busy tomorrow to look at lots of stuff.

  4. as for Ipoh, u could see hills and mountains..

  5. Lovely pictures, thank you for sharing them x

  6. I am getting ready to see all the sky lines in NZ!! God willing.

    \thanks for all the beautiful photos.

  7. Nice pictures..I love looking as sailing boats go by :)

  8. I love water and boat mast do make a great skyline! Any city gets me excited because it means adventure!

  9. I didn't lie on the ground to take the photo on my blog, as you know we have lots of skyscrapers,I just need to look up the sky and shoot!

  10. These skyline pictures are lovely. It is so wonderful to see all the boats. In Canada now all our boats are taken out of the water for the winter. A beautiful post today. Thank you Ann!

    Best Wishes, Barry and Linda

  11. Ohhh I love the boats..what wonderful shots!! Just beautiful!!

  12. that skinny thing that looks like a needle is a building? I am so impressed, would love to go and look out the top windows - wouldn't you? can you?
    and the water photos, was that a rowing competition? we have them on the lagoa also, am always saying this year I will take lessons, but never do cause I don't like to get wet.
    great post.

  13. I love all of your skyline photos. They are very pretty. I love all the boats.

    There are lots of things to do in LV besides gamble, but everyone seems so mesmerized by the casinos when on vacation that they forget about all the other things.

    But honestly, I don't think you're missing much by having opted out on the opportunity to come here.

  14. An iconic feature like the sky tower really makes for a memorable skyline. Yours is. Thanks, Ann.

  15. Lovely! I do so enjoy visiting all over our beautiful world, via Friday Shootouts.

    Your photos and your words are so enlightening!

    all the best-

  16. I love the harbor shots - there's something about sailboat masts.
