Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A girl's love for her horse.

After reading Holly's site,http://themares.blogspot.com/ I remember this girl I used to know. It is a true story.

Many many years ago, I lived next door to a teen aged girl K. She wasn't very good in literacy and numeracy, but she was a hard working girl. She left school after primary school, and she worked very hard in a green grocer shop. The owner was a Chinese man, as were most green grocers in New Zealand. He praised her to her mum and said he had never employed such a good girl.

She walked to the shop, and was never ever late, rain or shine, winter or summer. Spot on 6 am, she was at the shop waiting for the owner. She packed her own cut lunch so she won't have to spend her hard earned money.

As she was no good in numbers or social skills, the grocer gave her jobs like packing fruit and veges, and sweeping and tidying up at the back of the shop.

She saved enough to buy a horse. She really loved her horse which she kept at a farmer's paddock and paid him a small fee. Every Saturday and Sunday, early in the morning. Her Dad drove her to the farm, where she groomed and fed and rode her horse. Again, it was rain or shine, she was there. Such was her love an dedication to her horse.

The grocer gave her sacks of unsold apples and carrots which she shared with other girls who kept horses there.

I moved away to Singapore. When I came back for holidays, her mum told me K had cancer, and she had gone to play with my son Andrew, meaning she died. I was so sad, why did such a tragedy happen to a good girl like her. We hugged, once we were neighboures, now we both have the dubious honour of being bereaved mums.

Just before we went to Singapore, J her mum offered many of K's things to my girls. My girls had inherited many of her books, and an art easel. The kids had great fun with the easel. In fact, not only my kids benefited from these, many of the NTU residents' children enjoyed them when they came to my Playgroup workshops.

This is a photo of a green grocer near where we used to live, but this was not where she lived.


  1. That was a sad tale Ann. If there is anything I'd wish for, is a cure for cancer. Cant wish for no war as as long as there are humans and animals, there will be war, but cancer wishlist is different. I lost my dad to it 10 years ago and so many people suffer from it, sometimes I think it is unfair. Reading tales like this always makes me feel a bit more grounded and appreciate small things in life.

  2. A lovely story although a sad one.

  3. Hi Ann, that is a very heart warming story. It is sad to read, to know young people losing to cancer.

    I have a very close friend, in the prime of his life...last year was diagnosed with cancer, doctor told him, this will be his last X'mas.

    This fellow still very positive, can joke and tease me, "I'll be waiting for you up there, Lee....I'll check out the fishing areas, visit the friends who had already gone, we can start a poker game when you come, check out the SYT's too".
    Have a nice day, Ann, por hubby a double Southern Comfort. Lee.

  4. Ann
    Cancer strikes any one at any age and at any place.
    I have lost many friends and relatives to cancer. But the saddest would be sudden death.
    My son once said that cancer is a gentle call to remind us that there is an end to life. Cancer is a reminder of sorts. Like a bugle call or a whistle for time out in our life's journey.
    The story is bitter sweet. It makes me think and ponder.
    Just wondering how the family is coping.
    My first "young" death was the death of a young comatose (16 years old) son of the tenant of my maternal grandmother's house. I still remember the hushed voices and rapid planning in their room lit by a small kerosene lamp (before electricity came to Sg. Maaw).
    Grandma in heavy tones said: "It is best for you both and best for him." The next day I did not see the small cot and his clothes drying in the sun . Secretly they had taken the boy down river to the burial place by boat that very night. I was about 6 before I went to Primary One in town.

  5. This is a sad story, it's all God's will. Life is precious, it can be taken back anytime that's why we must live to the fullest.

  6. Aww thats a very sad story but it was nice you could relate to her mom.
