Saturday, November 7, 2009

PhotoHunt 186: Veterans/Military

PhotoHunt 186: Nov 6: Veterans/Military

Happy upcoming Veterans Day to all of our Armed Forces. I picked this theme for today because Wednesday is Veterans Day

In the olden days, men more more patriotic, and even young boys who were not old enough to enlist, forge their papers to fight in the World war 1 and 2. Many of these brave boys didn't make it home to New Zealand.

In New Zealand, we have the RSA, The Royal New Zealand Returned and Services' Association Inc. It is one of the largest voluntary welfare organisations in New Zealand and one of the longest established ex-service organisations in the world.

In parks, you see statues and plagues. In my school, we also have a memorial plague to remember the students and teachers who went to the war.

You see these gun placements. I was very privileged that my friend Ngarimu showed me this placements that the government built in anticipation of the Russians coming to attack Auckland. These placements were taken from the Maori people of Orakei, Ngarimu's people. The Russians never came, and these placements are the remnants. Ngarimu's people were only compensated recently.


  1. Every country has a military army but I don't wish for them to start Wars.

  2. hi..coming for the first time via Wenn's blog from Ipoh..

    is that in New Zealand.. never been there, i guess each country has a memorial for their military people, those who sacrificed much for the peace of their country...

  3. Very cool, the New Zealanders and Aussies had it rough in WW1 and WW2 but are still one of my faves..:-)

  4. well done.. flooding memories memories


  5. Lest We Forget!! We need to remember the horrors of war and those who gave their lives in order for us to live in freedom.

    On a lighter note, the grandsons help out a lot doing things that neither my hubby or I can do. We count our blessings that they're willing to do that.

    Have a wonderful week.

  6. The artwork on the walls of the placements is spectacular!

  7. Re: Gun placement, if I remember rightly, there were 11 of them. Some of them were commissioned by the Tribal leaders to an well known artist to draw New Zealand birds. The rest, the kids just sprayed graffiti. The kids just hung out there and throw parties.

    All the gun placements were connected by tunnels like a maze.

    People are not allowed to go there as it belongs to the People of Orakei. I was invited, a very special privileged.

  8. This photo was taken from outside the gate into the prison compound; the wide road by General Vlasov, according to Christian Bernadac, author of "The 186 Steps." Karbyshev was a veteran of several wars and an expert on military fortifications.
    Don Blankenship
