Thursday, December 3, 2009

Friday Shoot out: Christmas trees

December 4 - a few of my favorite things - by town blogger team (First Christmas Theme)

Christmas trees decoration is a time of memories.

Memories of when I was young in Borneo. We were the only family in the neighbourhood who had a tree because Dad had gone to England and shared with us his experience of Christmas there. The first tree was an artificial tree. It was a real artificial tree that you don't see them anymore these days. It had a main stem, and folding branches. After a few seasons, the branches broke off. The funniest incident, not so funny to Mum and Dad, was one year, the wind blew, and the tree came crashing down. The few glass balls broke. I think Dad's heart also broke, because he couldn't really replace them.

Memories of visiting Mum and Dad in Australia when D was two. D got to celebrate a real Aussie Christmas with her cousins, uncles and aunties. Little did I know that it was the last Christmas I would spent with Mum.

Memories of when I was a young mum and decorating Christmas trees with my oldest daughter D. D now lives thousands of miles away in Singapore. Decorating the tree is now a whole different experience. I had a small tree for a token.

Memories of my second daughter who came home one day and decided to decorate the four pine trees in the garden. We even have strangers come to the door and tell us how much they enjoyed looking at our tree. It is a pity, we forgot to take photos of the decorated tree.

Christmas here in New Zealand is in Summer, and we often go away. Last year, I didn't bother to put up a tree.

This photo is a big tree which I saw at MOTAT.

I wish you a Merry Christmas.

Chu Ni Shen Dan Kuai Le (in Mandarin)

Feliz Navidad, Feliz Navidad, Feliz Navidad.
Prospero Ano y Felicidad.


  1. Wonderful shootout. I have always had a love-hate relationship with Christmas trees. I love to see them. I hate to put them up and take them down. I want to be a kid again.

  2. i had my first christmas celebration in newcastle in my BIL n SIL girl and i decorated the real xmas tree..

  3. I always love to see beautifully decorated Christmas tree found in the malls, especially at Orchard Road.It's a yearly affairs to visit Orchard Rd just to ogle at the decorations.

  4. I too love the look (and the scent!) of decorated Christmas trees. In order not to kill trees, we tried for several years to keep potted ones alive, but that never really worked out so now I just decorate the big ficus inside, and the big pine tree outside.
    Wonderful post!

  5. once again loved your story, you have a nack for bringing a story to life. When I was a yooung married we always had a small artifical tree,we would have a great time decorating it as a family - when my daugher was 7 (she is now 40) she ask when will we have a real tree - I told her we had always had a real christmas tree because of the love we put into it making it beautiful ....

  6. Oh that was was just wonderful hon...I loved hearing about your Christmas memories!! The pictures are wonderful!! :)Sarah

  7. Ooh, I like the ribbons on that tree!

  8. You do have a knack for bringing your stories to life, and I enjoy them.

    Thank you for the soldier hat help, I would like some research if you have time, you can email me...

    I am allergic to evergreens, so we had a foil/silver fake one growing up and I have a funny story I should post about them...still no tree, only fake ones at hubby's family, but I am surrounded by them in my neighborhood *A-Choo* *sniffle*

  9. It is a lovely post -
    I love Christmas trees too.
    It is nice to put up a tree and decorate it slowly. Each decoration would remind me of some special memories and I can feel how your Dad felt when some of the glass baubles broke.

    they don't really make them like they used to....Lots of China made decorations are available. But they are "different".

    Cheers. I need to send you some photos. Can I have your email again?

  10. I LOVE A CHRISTMAS TREE!! It would not have to be decorated. Just let me smell it and see the green.

  11. hey, I enjoy looking at those old pix here! I can imagine how nice of those pine tree with X'mas decors!

  12. Wow whatta beautiful and tall christmas you have there. Thanks for sharing your favorite things and your childhood memories.

  13. We think it's wonderful that you share your personal memories with your pictures. You add so much warmth and honesty. From half way around the world, Singapore looks close to Australia and New Zealand. Thousands of miles surprised us. It is difficult being away from family. Your trees are gorgeous. We loved the story of the tree from England. Thanks for sharing, Ann.

    Enjoy the coming season, Barry and Linda

  14. I love it :) The first thing that I did when I got back from visiting my parents for Thanksgiving was put up the Christmas tree and all of the lights. I love decorating for this time of year, too!

  15. wonderful memories you have of family. what could be better than that? great shoot out!!

  16. Very great shots, Ann.
    We still have our artificial tree, which is not very big. In the past our cats distroyed all glass balls by climbing the tree and throwing it down.
    Thanks for your visit en birthday wish!
    The second photo was also taken in Rotterdam, not far from the first one. Have a great weekend.

  17. Ann, thanks for sharing your Christmas memories. I hope you have a blessed Christmas.

  18. Ann, I loved reading about your Christmas memories. Your photos are wonderful. I especially like the second photo. Christmas is my very favorite holiday and I love to see beautifully decorated trees. Even not so beautifully decorated. Great post.

  19. Sweet memories, some sad but the one of your daughter decorating the four tree outside...mmmm. That is so sweet :)

  20. Thanks for sharing your memories of you favorite thing. It's always nice to hear how people who didn't grow up in a country where Christmas trees are the norm look at them.

    Have a great weekend!

  21. Thank you for sharing these really special memories. I didn't know you were originally from Borneo; not many of us have the chance to visit there. I like the picture of you and your little daughter and wonder how often you get to see each other. I am very much looking forward to seeing my daughter home from Niger in exactly 2 weeks!

  22. I love Christmas trees - I spend ages choosing ours and drive the salesmen up the wall as I check out each one.

  23. Lovely photos. Each year I buy my two sons a special Christmas Tree decoration each. The idea is that when they leave home they can take with them a set of decorations which will hopefully hold special memories for them.

  24. That's a beautiful tree! We are getting ours tomorrow - I also love the memories that putting up the tree/ornaments conjures.

    My word verification is "anter", which leads me to ...antler...reindeer...Santa!
