Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My world Tuesday: Rock fishing at Muriwai


There is a big crop of flat rocks at the cliff at Muriwai. A lot of amatuer fishermen fish there ignoring the danger of strong waves suddenly washing up the rocks. It is known as extreme fishing, as many fisherman have been swept out to sea.

This is where my Cambodian student T goes with his dad on Mondays. A dad and son bonding time.
Does your mum go? No!
Does your sister go? No!
Can I go with you? No! girls not allowed.

In some societies, girls are not allowed to go fishing.

click on the photos to see the fishermen,


  1. Some people like the feeling of danger. Great photos.

  2. Then again, some girls are just smarter than some guys

  3. A beautiful spot even if it is very dangerous. I bet the girls get to cook the fish and clean up.

  4. Very interesting indeed!

    Fishing may be a boys' thing...but then when the whole family goes fishing it is a very different story.

    However there is no one format to fit all. Live and let live.

  5. interesting..btw, i don't fish..
