Thursday, January 21, 2010

Friday Shoot Out: Sounds in your Town

These photos were taken at a German Clock shop, at the Tamborine mountains. This is a boutique place of specialty shops and is just right for my topic. Sound of time.

My Sister Rose gave Sam when he was three, this Made-in-Switzerland cuckoo clock. It's cuckoo can be heard in the neighbourhood. Our friends kids like to come up to our house to see the cuckoo come out of it's house. They would count the times the bird cuckoo and feel very dejected if they came up too late. (We lived on the third floor)

We didn't bring it over to NZ, but took in over to Sarawak to give it to Nicole, Rose' grand daughter.

Jan. 22 - "Sounds in your town" by NanU
"There are two versions of this theme. First, the simple one. We’ve been treated many different aspects of what your town looks like. Treat another sense: what makes your town sound like your town? Traffic? Kids playing? Birds? That annoying dog next door? Fill our senses with a different perspective.

The complicated version (and I apologise for not giving you more lead-timeon this) I have heard called a ‘blind hike’. Find a trusty partner. Wear a blindfold (no peeking!). Get your camera, and with the help of your partner, wander around noticing what you hear. Take pictures (no peeking!) while you’re at it. It’s quite fun to do, and the photos will surprise you. Enjoy!" NanU

As I am traveling, I thought I will just do the simple assignment, and make it simpliar, do just one kind of sound. The sound of time. Is there such a thing as sound of time, or man's version of time.

Tick tick tick of our watch, Tick Tock tick tock of an old fashion clock or grand father or grand mother clock.

When I was young, I used to be petrified of our old fashion clock. My parents bought one on the birth of my brother Charles. To the Chinese, a boy is very very important. The clock was an old fashion wind up one, and the timber wasn't treated. Every year, Dad would take it down, and paint it with turpentine. The waft of smell was terrible. As we crowd round this precious clock, Dad would say," This clock is as old as your brother Charles." Even when he had grown up and gone to New Zealand.

Yes later, Mum and Dad went to live in Australia, and I don't think they took the clock with them. Which is a pity as it would be an antique by now, since Charles is passed his half a century.

My own anecdote about this clock is sweet, as it was a special bonding time with Dad, even though I was terrified with the Tick Tock, and the chiming, Dong Dong. You see, I wasn't the brightest and smartest kid. In those days in my primary school, we were laden with heaps of home work, spelling and dictation in English and Chinese. I was absolutely hopeless in Chinese, ( which I still am).

When my other siblings had gone to bed at 9pm, I was still up struggling with my work, Dad would stay up to accompany me. As the night went on, the quietness of the evening made the tick tock louder and louder. I hated it. Finally when it Dong Dong ten times, Dad would say, " That's it, pack up and go to bed, I will talk to the principal.


Dad was the supervisor of schools, boss the all the principals and teachers. Yet, he didn't abuse his power and he still made me do as much as I could.

Right now, I am in Australia, reminiscing with my siblings, we attribute Dad's making us write one essay a day during our holidays to what we are today, lawyers, PhDs, teachers, principals, professors, anthropologist, IT, and this extra bit, is something they will have to read in this post because I told nobody.


  1. Dear Ann,

    It was a touching story. I think the clock is with Elizabeth. I hope so.

    I have a cuckoo clock which we bought about 16 years ago about the age of Arlene when we moved from Bintulu. It fascinated every kids who passed by the house then. They would wait when the clock striked hourly and half hourly just to see the cuckoo popping out. They were not so interested to listen to the music which the little boy wiould shown winding. Joseph's kids, Henry's kids, Helen's kids and Grace's kids. The old Cuckoo clock needs servicing and once we approached somebody, we were quoted exorbitant prices to fix the cuckoo. But now I think about it, it is worth it and I should send the clock to be servie for it to work fully. It still tells us the time.

    There is also one at SOGO in KL. That one is huge. People would gather around it.

  2. Very interesting !

  3. Great idea. You did a great job.

  4. I can't imagine if all the clock start to chime in that shop! I'm not a big fan of cuckoo clock or chime clock, they drive me up the wall.

  5. I love your interpretation of the theme!

  6. Time ticking away didn't even enter my head, Ann. Great take on the topic! I enjoyed your story, too!

  7. Something which looks so normal for me must be quite exotic in your country ! I don't like these cuckoo clocks, it gets on my nerves when this bird suddenly jumps out, lol !
    Prince William looks so very much like his mother ! Unfortunately he has inherited the hairs of his father !

  8. What a clever interpretation. Well done.

  9. My neighbor owns a clock shop and has hundresds of clocks hanging in his house, so that he can see if they keep time.

  10. Wonderful story, Ann, thank you for sharing it with us!
    I like cockoo clocks, and a whole storefull of them must be pretty noisy at 12:00. And I always thought they must be kidding about a bird going 'cuckoo' 'cuckoo', but then I heard them for real in the forest of eastern France and they do sound just like that.
    Have a good weekend!

  11. You must have been stressed out doing all of that homework Ann? - Dave

  12. I know you did a good job because by the time I got to all the clocks on the wall, the imaginary tick-tocking in my head was driving me nuts! Great theme, great approach, great execution. Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

  13. What a brilliant take on the theme Ann. And some amazing photos too! Very timely.


  14. Love the focus on the clocks. I love German made things. Your cuckoo clock looks really nicely made.

  15. Wow wonderfu pictures and I love the story too! Wow! I had a German one for years.. I miss the song!

  16. I love how the clock shop looks like one on the outside!

    Ann, your stories are all so great, I love reading ever word!

    I remember when my own parents bought a wind up clock, my dad took pride in opening it up and doing his thing...

  17. How strange, I was just looking for cuckoo clocks today! I think the best selection is here! I liked your story a lot!

  18. Ann, what a lovely memory. Your father was obviously very dedicated to his children. Have a great weekend.

  19. When my dad was in Switzerland, the only thing he bought and lugged back was his precious cuckoo clock. I told my mom, I am eyeing for that one day...Happy weekend Ann.

  20. I could hear a clock ticking when I was reading the post. It also reminded me of my grandparents Grandfather Clock. I still remember the chimes when I would visit them.

  21. The clock with the birdy coming out one remind me of the good old times...

  22. love the story from your childhood. what a great Dad!! my parents had a cuckoo clock from Germany also. I remember the cuckoo coming out and making his noise on the hour and one cuckoo on the half hour. great post!!

  23. i bought a cuckoo clock once becoz i liked the idea but the sound it made made us feel uneasy after a while...our hse is usually very quiet.. in the end we got rid of it :) but of cos it was never as great a clock as the one on yr blog

  24. Ann - your posts are getting better and better! Keep it up! I could totally 'hear' that wall of clocks - awesome!

  25. I love the photos, and what wondrous clocks. The storefront itself is amazing.
