Saturday, April 3, 2010

My World Tuesday: Rangitoto, 600 year old volcano

I felt overwhelmed and greatly satisfied to have climbed a volcano which erupted from the sea in a series of dramatic explosions around 600 years ago. As I climbed on the volcanic lava rocks, on both sides of the tracks, there are vast patched of barren black hard rocks. Then I see moss, lichens , small plants and then trees to the largest Pohutukawa tree.

This is my once a life time feat, but I may change my mind. The water engineer said that when we have overseas visitors, this is one Auckland's tourist destination we will take them too. That is, provided they are fit. Go over to my other site, and see more photos and commentaries.


  1. What a marvelous adventure! Thank you for sharing it with us through you terrific photos, Ann! Hope you have a great week and more adventures to share with us!


  2. I am always fascinated with volcanoes...I love Hawaii Volcanoes National Park...there are so many places you can hike in very old craters...What an adventure!

  3. must have been an exciting adventure... nice photo's

  4. This was an amazing trip.
    The last photo with the volcano is a postcard perfect one.

  5. Ann: What a neat place, I would have liked to be there.

  6. Looks like quite a hike up the volcano! Wonderful photos!

  7. congratulations on your journey! Lava is hard on our shoes. I remember the pohutakawa tree, lovely.

  8. Great post and photos. Is this volcano active?
