Monday, April 26, 2010

My World Tuesday:24/7 Foodtown Supermarket

When I first arrived in New Zealand, tourists complained that this was a sleepy country. Shops closed at 5pm, and there was only one late night shopping a week, and no Sunday shopping.

Things have changed, this Supermarket is open 24/7. I am not sure if they have many customers shopping in the wee hours of the night. Once, I went at 11 pm, and there was hardly anyone shopping.

Would you like a 24/7 supermarket in your city?


  1. Ah, we have them -- a few of them, but not as many as before the current financial situation, but there are Foodtowns. I'm not likely to use one anymore, but I know some people love them! Interesting post, Ann! Hope you have a great week!


  2. I really like the design on this Foodtown sign.
    I wish I lived in a sleepy town. It's the only way to live on a daily basis.

  3. The only store that open 24hours here is Mustafa Store at Serangoon Road, it has a supermarket in it.
    As you know, most of our shops closes as late as 10.30pm, we never have problem about late night shopping. We even have the 24hours 7-11 stores in the heartland neighbourhood.

  4. Here in Iligan City we only have Caltex and Shoppe24 convenience stores open 24 hours a day

  5. Hi Anne;) thanks for visiting my blog. Yes, many expats keep to themselves. The local folk are so friendly and helpful. Mohamed, our carpenter seems to have a high social ranking in the city. I call him the Mayor of Omdurman. Regarding all-hour shops, ours stay open until midnight here in Khartoum - even after that hour during Ramadan. My dental appointment last week was at 8pm. Back home in South Africa, all except one cafe closes at 4.30- the cafe closes at 7! How long have you been in NZ? Have a wonderful weekd.

  6. 24/7 supermarkets make sense in urban areas, as the only additional costs would be utilities and manpower. Not sure if they would be cost-effective otherwise. Here in Bangkok, hyper marts are everywhere but they close at 11pm or midnight. Same for the smaller supermarkets.

  7. thanks for commenting on my blog, and yes Melbourne is taking over as the biggest city in OZ (but not for a few years) it used to be the biggest in the gold rush times and even hosted the Australian capital before Canberra. It doesn't worry me, they are welcome to the extra traffic that comes with bigger.

  8. I would love to have 24/7 supermarket in our city, here is the Petrol Station it's good very only 3 minutes drive from our place. That's as strange for me when I was new here in OZ same they the mall and small shops close 5pm, sometimes you can't quickly grab something you have missed at home after working hours.

  9. we have quiet a few of them here in Sydney, things have changed too since I came to Australia in 1992, I guess changes occur everywhere.

  10. We have several as well. My daughter works shifts as a nurse and does make use of them in off hours. She prefers shopping quickly in an almost empty store.

  11. Good for me because I can get my food supply and ingredients anytime! LOL!

  12. On Haida Gwaii, considered a sister island to New Zealand we do not have any big box, chain or 24/7 stores and having grown up in that harry karry environment I appreciate that stores close at 5:30 p.m. I do believe that it has been proven that these store do not make more revenue but do incurr more expenses due to is competition that keeps many of them open, even if it is not worthwhile. Go figure.
    P.S. Picton, Ontario is in Prince Edward County about 200 km west of Toronto and south of Belleville ON and the 401 on an island made from glacial sand deposits. Extensively farm land and quite beautiful. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  13. we got the 7Eleven stores here in Kuching which opens for 24hrs but some outlets were been robbed during the wee hrs so i think it's really not very encouraging .

  14. They're quite common in the States. I find that the cashiers are the folks working night shift restocking. When a cusomer comes in one of the stockers will stop and wait on the customer.

  15. No, we are a country town, and it would be a waste. Even staying open until 9pm, I think is too late. Still it must pay for them.
