Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Outdoor Wednesday: Pass it on.

April with Joshua.

The Shop is at the corner down at the basement of the church.


Meet Amazing April Harris of Mt Albert Baptist Church in Auckland New Zealand. Together with her group of Christian women of the church, the "Well" women life group, founded this "Pass it on" Op Shop.

Getting the shop ready involved the ladies in her group and their husbands who made the shelving which in turn involved the sale of some scrap metal that were just lying around in front to the space allocated for the shop.

This is also a community service by our local supermarket Pac'N'Save who donates food to stock the shop, and Bunnings hardware who will be donating timber to make a deck.

This has also created a job opportunity for our ESOL student S to do the child care for the women who help in the shop. Such a spin off effect reminds me of my Economic lessens in High School, the multiplier effect.

Like all Op shops, this "Pass it on" depends on the goodwill and donation of everyone. And volunteers to help run the shop. If you happened to be in Auckland, do pop in.

To me, April is fantastic. What is incredible is April volunteers at this shop 5 days a week from 9 to 3. She has five children aged eleven to one. Kudos!!! Ka Pai and Paki Paki.

Here she is with her 4th child, Joshua. She was showing me the area where the deck will be.


  1. This woman is amazing! Just reading about her efforts and energy is making me tired! Is this shop something like a Christian Goodwill? Very cheap prices for those in need? What a wonderful thing in so many ways!

  2. Wonderful post about April. I like the name of the shop, it does sound like the Goodwill shop we have here.

  3. Well done April! Good on you Ann for highlighting this. - Dave

  4. Hello Ann

    Very interesting post.

    Thank you for visiting my blog.

    Greetings from Roberto

  5. What an amazing story!! I wish we have shops like these in Miri...My regards to April....tell her a fan from Sarawak is sending her love....

  6. that's always inspiring to read stories of people who are so eager and blessed with energy to help and touch other people's lives. thanks for sharing the story of April.

  7. Salitype put it perfectly... families, friends and communities are blessed to have people like April in their lives.

  8. Ann, regarding teh republic issue. You need to consider that there is likely to be a King Charles in line to the throne before King William. More Australians are in favour of a republic than are not. Even more would be in favour of becoming a republic after the reign of Queen Elizabeth. I'm more than ready now.

  9. First of all I like to thank you for stop in at my blog.
    I actuaL for got about pak-save we use to have them around but now I believe a lot of them became yokes or IGA. I think it wonderful when a store donates things to help those who needs a hand up.

    But I notice there no leaves on the tree in your picture. It was in low 80s around dinner time so this afternoon hubby and I went up and sat by a creek in mountain.

    Coffee is on.
