Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sunday Stills: Metal
I figure since last weeks challenge was a bit rough we will have an easy one this week. This can be any form of metal you would like, the challenge is to try to come up with something no one else can think of..;-) Ed

This is a big heap of metal that we can scrap and sell for an awful lot of money, and pay for the op shop Pass it on, my friend April and her friends started at Mt Albert Baptist Church.

"Getting the shop ready involved the ladies in her group and their husbands who made the shelving which in turn involved the sale of some scrap metal that were just lying around in front to the space allocated for the shop, said April."

I phototgraphed this giant crane when I was walking on the new Mangere Bridge, On impulse I took different segments of the crane.


  1. Good shots, it shows just how powerful this is. It is not on the bridge, because people are standing there looking down at it. So where is it?

  2. Very cool, was it sinking new supports, looks like it had a drill on the end..:-)

  3. that's a lot of metal right there
    well done ann

  4. A really great choice, lots of metal there. :)

  5. You really got in there to get some great shots! Wow, the perspectives are kool!

  6. Love the unusual angles of your shots.

  7. Great shot, i loved the 1st shot and angle of the 3rd one, loads of metal n there...... :)

  8. Great angles. I especially like the ones with the dangling hook!
