Thursday, October 7, 2010

Save the world/Save our women 2;Friday Shootout

For this week's shootout, I am posting one photo as this is a serious topic.

This month, I wear my pin to make a difference to support awareness for breast cancer.
Do you know the signs and symptoms that might indicate breast cancer? While personal and family histories of breast cancer and lifestyle habits (including diet, exercise and how you handle stress) can all affect breast-cancer risk, learning to recognize the signs of breast cancer may save your life - early diagnosis is key to treatment and recovery. Performing a monthly self-examination is still recommended by many health professionals, as is having a yearly exam performed by your doctor. In addition, the National Cancer Institute suggests keeping an eye out for the following signs:
A lump or thickening in or near the breast or in the underarm area
A change in the size or shape of the breast
Nipple discharge or tenderness
An inverted nipple
Ridges or pitting on the breast (resembling an orange peel)
A change in the look or feel of the breast, areola or nipple (such as temperature, swelling, redness or a scaly feel)

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, see your doctor for a diagnosis and possible treatment. If you are over 40, talk to your doctor about mammograms.

In New Zealand, during September and October Firestone Tyres are selling pink tyre valve caps for raise money for The New Zealand Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation.

The pink tyre valve caps cost $2 each and all of the money raised goes to the foundation with Firestone covering the cost of the caps.

Today Firestone

presented the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation with a cheque for $63,950 on behalf of all the New Zealanders who participated in the Firestone Pink Cap Drive.

Both Firestone and The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation are thrilled with the fantastic response from the campaign and look forward to reaching an even bigger target next year.

In August I did this post

I am very passionate about this topic. Thirty one years ago, I found a little pea sized lump in my left breast. I did not panic because I didn't realise the implications. The doctor just said," I will send you to the hospital to check it out." At the hospital, the junior doctor just said," We will do a little biopsy."

At the ward before I had the procedure, elderly women came and hugged me and cried, saying," we are sorry for you." I was still very innocent telling them I was in for a biopsy." Fortunately, I was in only for a biopsy.

Six years later, I had another cyst. This time, the doctor and the counsellor talked a lot of consequences if it was malignant and if I wanted to remove the breast if it was. That was really scary. Thank God when I woke up, I still have my breast.

I have a two inch scar to show for the battle I underwent. It is better to have the scar than to have the disease. I know a young woman E who is bereaved twice with the same terrible Campomelic Displasia that robbed me my late son Andrew. Now she is is inflicted with breast cancer.

CaringBridge provides free websites that connect people experiencing a significant health challenge to family and friends, making each health journey easier. It takes just a few moments to create a personal and private CaringBridge website.

I want to add that breast cancer affects men as well.

This week's shootout: Reflection


  1. This is a wonderful post, and I'm glad you reminded all of us about wht symptoms to look for. It is breast cancer month here, too. Lots of things in the stores that are pink. Yes, men can get it!

  2. Yeah, breast cancer is getting very common these days...

  3. It's important to go for mammogram yearly. I had a scare once too, almost 20 years ago, but during biopsy it turn out to be just a useless lump ! phew..
    this remind me, to go for my mammogram this year, it's due....and papsmear too.

  4. Regarding the well photo, a bunch of us Singaporean went to JB visiting a relative and the young kids were curious about the well and crowded around the high perimeter of the well. They were listening to one aunt's explanation about the well and I see photo opportunity!I guess they are used to seeing me aiming my camera at them! lol

  5. That's a wonderful post, Ann. I wore my pink ribbon today, and every time I saw the pink people outside shops gave up a prayer of thanks that my two scares with breast cancer were just that and nothing more. Love you first photo!

  6. Wonderful post, Ann. I just had my first mammogram about three months ago and all was clear, thank goodness.

    Cancer of any kind is much too common and rampant.

  7. very good. you covered the topic well. I learned a thing or two. yes over 40 annual mammograms and over 50 bone density tests at least every 3 years. Thank you for caring and for letting it show.

  8. Very appropriate! Thank you for the reminder...I am late getting a mammogram.

  9. I wear my pin all month. My only sister died at 32 with breast cancer. I am very vigilant about watching for signs. I don't think I will ever have it now at 72 my chances are lowering. Still must be watchful thought. Great post.

  10. thank you for posting this very important information. We all need to know prevention and that a diagnosis doesn't mean a death sentence.

  11. Women should also pay special attention if they have a first degree relative (mother, sister, daughter) or multiple relatives who have had breast cancer.

    Wonderful post!

  12. Thank you Ann...that was a wonderful post. I too had several fibroids removed over the years..each was terrifying. My Mother passed due to breast cancer..and I too am a passionate supporter of anything that helps support up those who have it!
    Hugs to you, Sarah

  13. Thank you Ann. This is a good reminder, and congratulations on being a breast cancer survivor.

  14. I was a Cancer Center Administrator at one point in my health care career and would like to reemphasize the point that men get breast cancer also--and the numbers are rising.

    Great post and FMTSO submission as well.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. wonderful post. i support cancer awareness month too by wearing pink lipstick ",)

  17. A very thoughtful and informative post. Here it is Breast Cancer Awareness month.

  18. love your first shot Ann. I did a 5K walk recently for breast cancer, Susan G Komen Walk for the Cure. cancer is a terrible disease and we are have been affected by it.

  19. Thanks so much for spreading the word. And I love your reflection photo, very fitting :o)


  20. This is a wonderful post thank you. and your reflection is great too.
