Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sunday Stills:Fall Foliage
Sunday Stills, the next challenge: Fall Foliage
Posted in Sunday Stills, Sunday Stills Challenge of the Week with tags Sunday Stills on October 17, 2010 by Ed

Its that time again, most of the U.S. is in the middle of all that great fall color. So if you are in an area with some great color lets see it, if you are in an area past color or in a different hemisphere you can use archive pics… Have fun..:-)

We, in New Zealand, are at the beginning of spring. My archives are not very good.


  1. Yes, as you enter spring, we in the northern hemisphere are well into fall...

  2. Yes, some unique photos. I love that building almost completly covered with ivy!!

  3. That building that has been claimed by vegetation is just beautiful. All your shots are great.

  4. Very nice shots, I knew it would be a tough challenge for you guys in the southern hemisphere...:-)

  5. I admire you for hanging in there and giving it your best shot. It's beautiful here and I'm loving the cooler weather. :)

  6. Hi Ann, that is an interesting building. Reds and greens really blend nicely.

  7. The building covered in vines is is hard to think of the seasons being turned around..but I guess they is always evident in these kinds of challenges..but you did great:)

  8. I love those lovely colours of the leaves, so beautiful!

  9. oh amazing that building which is completely covered. Quite beautiful.
    Yes it is spring The weather is pretty good and I hope you had a great labour weekend

  10. Yes. it's autumn here in Canada and the leaves are still very pretty!

  11. That's interesting Ann. We noticed that one freeway sound-barrier wall here where we are now is thickly draped with creeping ivy, which is red and gold colored now. It looks quite lovely. In another part of town that we pass, a similar wall is bare and every day there is new graffiti. Somebody I guess from the City, comes by and paints over it, so that there are white splotches on the tan wall -- still pretty ugly. We are wondering why they don't plant ivy on that one as well.
