Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday Stills: Meal time

This is my own recipe of chilli tuna brinjal/eggplant. Instead of roasting the eggplant like the Mexicans do, or frying the with a lot of oil, I steam them in the rice cooker when I am cooking rice. When the rice is cooked, the egg plants are relatively soft.

In a pan, I brown chopped garlic, onion and ginger. Add the tuna and egg plant. There should be enough salt from the tuna. Mix them together, serve with raw tomato and rice.

Here you are Ed, my take for mealtime with three foods. It has carbo, vegetables and meat/fish.


  1. Brinjal is an all time favourite for my family. Surprisingly my son recently found out also that brinjal when cooked and mashed makes a thick sauce for meat and even other vegetables. We therefore have found an alternative for cornstarch/potato flour.
    I like my brinjals steamed and mashed and then add to beaten eggs to make an omelette with lots of onions and garlic!!

    I will try your recipe! Thanks.

  2. that good all most good enough to eat. :0) ( that's what my dad would say when he liked something)

  3. I love brinjal and tuna, just never try to cook them together .I visited NZ 15 years ago and never had a chance for a comeback. Hopefully I will one day.

  4. Excellent! I'm glad we got some international flavors this week.:-))

  5. Interesting recipe. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Great meal time photo! Another meal I've never had but looks like I might enjoy it!

  7. This looks yummy, easy, and nutritious! But oh my, that beautiful light purple eggplant. That one picture alone is worth looking here today!

  8. I like brinjal with sambal,but too bad don't know why of late kind of allergic to it,,,,

    remember when small, poor then, mom used to cook brinjal and sambal then we only eat these two dishes for two three days,,,

    take care now ya

  9. i had a tuna sandwich for lunch today
    what a yummy photo

  10. I don't cook eggplant much, but I really like baba ghanou dip.
