Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Outdoor Wednesday: flolicking in the snow

I dug up my cold winter photos in the winter of 1975 when I was a student in Windsor, Canada. This school yard was behind the apartment I stayed. During the school break, school children flolick. These photos were taken during the holidays, and we went to try out this fun. A couple of Canadian kids were there to show us play.

That was my first ever winter. They reported it was the coldest ever recorded, a minus 28 degrees. A lot of melted snow had flowed under the bridge. I wonder where all those young men and women have gone. We were from Tropical Borneo and Singapore and were feeling very BRRRR!

If only I was young again, I would love the snow.


  1. I think the snow is only for young people to enjoy! Yes, don't you wish you knew what became of all the others, it would be fun. Maybe you could find them on Facebook if you have their names.

  2. From the TV channels I realise that there has been lots of snowfalls in the Northern Hemisphere as well as in the South Hemisphere!!

    I wish I were young again too....and frolick in the snow....never done that actually.

  3. hi Ann,i like to wish you & family...a smashing and wonderful Christmas & a very meaning New Year

  4. really liked all your photos ann!

    merry christmas & all the best for the new year x
