Friday, January 28, 2011

FSO: Letter F

In many scenic areas in Auckland, the regional council had erected these giant frames which are a great hit with tourists and locals alike. I went with my friends out west to the Waitakeri ranges. That's me in the white top.

flags of New Zealand, the offical blue and union jack, and the black with the sliver fern, our national plant. These twc children are my new friends from Taiwan.

You see those light green bales of hay. I am glad that some recycling companies come and collect these plastic covers.

There are many farms in New Zealand, many of these fence are electrified. I was zapped once.

January 28 - The Letter F. What in your town begins with the letter F.


  1. I didn't know they have electrified fence in NZ! better be careful..
    Re: your comment: $4 per call? that's very expensive! it's so cheap here that even school children have handphone. It became an important communication tool. It used to be that the sons get my hand-me-down hp, now it's the other way around!

  2. Those frames are such a crafty idea!!

  3. I can imagine those frames being very popular with the tourists.

  4. Fabulous neat and I bet they get lots of action shots with everyone Gives new meaning to the phrase "I've Been Framed". Well done on the Letter F.

  5. Ann...I cannot believe youmlet yourself get zapped. By an electric fence. Living out where we do and always wandering around and about, I am scared tom death of those things.To answer your question, I lived in Palm Beach, Florida, until graduating from college. I went back home and taught 2nd grade for one year and then left for Atlanta and grad school and a 6th grade teaching job. Lived and taught in North Carolina for 18 yrs and then here in Va for 32. Do you teach? I love the frame for tourists to take photos...a great idea. Hugs...genie

  6. Ann...your note made my night. Forgive me for giggling, but what you did is exactly what I would have done...and I would have gotten zapped, too. Loved learning what all you do. It makes youmseem a bit closer instead od so berynfar away. Xoxoxoxo. g.

  7. Hi Ann, love those giant frames!! too cool, great post

  8. Ann, I have a very embarrassing photo of myself balancing on that frame. Well, I was balancing until my grandson put his arm around daughter did a great job of capturing my tumble.

    Wish I could say I've only been zapped by an electric fence once! Unfortunately it happens nearly every time I mow the lawn.

  9. the frames are a hit with me. that would be tons of fun to pose all sorts of crazy ways.
