Friday, January 14, 2011

FSO: Weird

I went to Crystal Mountian in West Auckland. This weird creature guarded the entrance.

The following are funny looking crystals, one is called dessert rose. I think it is the blobs of round things.

A scene from Harry Potter.

Do you have strange or weird things around your town? We have several of these moose around the city least three that I have spotted. One of the wealthy folks in town wrote a children's book called "Mudgy and Millie". A moose and mouse who take a walk around Coeur d Alene. The book is fun for the local kiddos..but well it is not that great. But the money that has been invested is amazing..several huge moose around town, banners on light annual hike etc etc.. But...I will say he is cute..and the visiting folks love to get pictures sitting on I guess we have all gotten used to Mudgy!
So this week please show us your weird or strange things around your town!
Happy shooting all, Sarah :)


  1. Oh what fun..I love the hubby has several of the desert roses in his collection..of course our whole basement is mineral specimens..100's and 100's of them..he like your shootout!! :) Wonderfully weird!!
    Hugs, Sarah

  2. Those are weird looking rose! lol

  3. Those are weird, strange pictures. And I don't think I've ever seen a cute moose! The illustrator must have been great!

  4. I think your title says it aptly - weird! Have never seen anything like that! But weird things can be very interesting and fascinating in a strange sort of way! Thanks for sharing them!

  5. Those blob things are very wierd looking. The almost look like little balls of tiny worms all curled up. Yuk! My imagination is sick.

  6. What funny-looking crystals, like some kind of sea creatures. Weird!!

    And Ann, yes I would keep my distance as you took up your axe in the Axe Throw competition! Haha! If you practice I bet you'd get good at it though; I can kind of imagine that.

  7. the crystals are strange Ann. good choices for this theme.

  8. Kia oracreature is weird indeed and the crystals very interesting. Never seen that before. Thanks for sharing

  9. This is a great challenge. No sure if I can find weird things in Miri!!

    But I will keep looking!

  10. I have a desert rose, I bought it once in Morocco, there are lots of it. I find them beautiful.

  11. Yes indeed, a strange creature standing guard! I love the different and unusual shapes displayed. I would want to touch them and probably get in trouble!
