Thursday, February 3, 2011

Friday Shootout: What I collect

February 4 - What I Collect by Sue CTG.

I don't collect things, but if I have the money and the space to keep them, I would collect these crystals. agate slices and amethyst I saw at the Crystal Mountain.


  1. You and me both!!! I see these in museums and souvenir shops, and have taken pictures, but your pictures are much better! I think I still will buy one or two geodes.

  2. Enjoy! I'm already downsizing and giving stuff away to the grandkids! They are beautiful rocks though! Great photos!

  3. Those things are expensive isn't it? I would love to collect those colorful rocks just because of their bright colors! I have a big collection of glasswares too but too lazy to set them up to be photographed. Got one given to me for my wedding ,still in good condition.

  4. I love the rocks. My Dad had a rock collection and I don't know what ever became of it.

  5. Great Collection of Photos! I am particularly fond of the Amethyst and have a few small pieces and some jewelry with amethyst stones.

    Rock, Agate, Stone Collections are very popular and a great hobby for kids. Tumbling stones and making jewelry and other items were some of the crafts my Art Students loved to do.

  6. Those are lovely. I can imagine that looking for rocks and then polishing them and making things out of them would be fun.

  7. Wow I love your rocks they are very colorful. Happy weekend!

  8. That would be a wonderful collection to own, wouldn't it? There are so many pretty stones, imagine the fun you could have with unlimited funds to travel here and there picking up precious stones from various places. I have a little bowl of stones that my grand-daughter or I have picked up and we have competitions to see who can remember where each of them came from. My favourite is a foot shaped pinky/purply stone found on a beach near Cape Kidnappers.

  9. Those are very pretty. I especially like the pink. It really stands out. Yes, I wouldn't mine having a collection like that either.

  10. Lovely collecties stones , greeting from Belgium, Have a nice week end

  11. the crystals are so pretty, love the deep purple. and the shiny stones are very nice. start small and work your way up!

  12. Interesting post. Thanks.
    I don’t collect things either. If I did I’d like to collect money…. - maybe one day…..

    Have a nice day, Boonie
