Tuesday, February 15, 2011

FSI: February 18 - Twisted. Curly. Contorted. Wound Spirally

An Australian Coot made her nest near the engine of a boat.

I was walking in a park in Queensland Australia. I saw these windy things on the tree trunkc. I was intriqued. They don't look like nests, and they don't look like made by humans. Any of you Australians know what it is?

This was in Queensland Australia. This looks like someone had slashed the tree and you can see the veins twisting and turning.

In the Auckland Zoo, there is this man made spider web. You have to contort yourselves to go through it. My son was quite happy turning and trying to get through. I didn't even try. I am too rigid.

February 18 - Twisted. Curly. Contorted. Wound Spirally

My daughter made this softball sized rubber band ball. She started with one rubber band and eventually ended up with this ball, with a little help from my son and I. It was fun making it, first stretching the rubber band before adding it to the ball. It was more fun watching it grow bigger and bigger.




  1. I can't decide if that coot was really smart or not...did the egg survive? And that rubber band ball! Keep working at it; maybe you can go for a world record. Some town here in the US has a giant sized one and people come to see it!

  2. It would be a shock for mama bird to find her nest and egg is gone. The ball reminds me of the Philippines national game called "sipa takraw" but the ball is made of a twine (bamboo or coconut).
    My middle photo is a coil to support the tractor seat. Yes I remember that stick that we used to jump over but then we change it to a garter it's softer ^_^


  3. Neat shots for this Theme! Fun that you and the kids made one of your Theme Words! Fun Shoot Out for everyone with your son showing 'Contorted'. Well done!

  4. Great shots, Ann.

    That tree looks like it has been taken over by a Strangler Fig - Ficus Watkinsiana. I've only ever seen them on the Atherton Tablelands in North Qld. Where was your shot taken?

  5. The spider web looks like a ball to play in! And the slashed tree looks like a tree surgeon is needed...someone with true anatomy of trees experience.

  6. The rubber band ball is cool, I got a lot of rubber bands at home, maybe I should be doing this.

  7. Ooh, I like all these photos so much and now I want to make a rubber band ball, too :-)

  8. Great take on this weeks theme!

  9. Love the bird's nest.
    Kids... never cease to amaze me ;)

  10. Hmmmmm maybe the engine was warm when she started! I love the tree shot..but they are all wonderful! I love how you took us for a walk!! Happy weekend, Sarah

  11. I hope everything worked out with the bird! I have made rubber band balls before too and it is a lot of fun!

  12. It looks like a nest to me, how very cool that you can walk along and find nest like that. That playground look like fun to me too. Great Pictures!

  13. So wonderful that you happened upon the bird's nest. Very cool. I really like that big tree that looks like it's been slice opened. Very interesting. And of course, I love that rubberband ball.

  14. Really like the inner tree trunk shot - very cool and creepy at the same time.

  15. what a great shot of the nest. hope the egg survived. kids are fearless aren't they? sometimes wish I could go back to that way.

  16. Great job Ann. That ball is fascinating. I have heard of folks doing that. Lots of contortions in the forest and brush.
