Monday, February 28, 2011

Save the world: When new technology may not be the best

what is the difference between digital telephone and analog telephone?

I am not a very technical person, but about ten years ago, my husband changed our phone from an analog phone to a digital one. The children thought it was fantastic. It was cordless and they could use it anywhere, from upstairs to downstairs. Then One day, the euphoria came crashing down.We had a power cut for a whole day. The phone was out of use.

This scenario is repeated right now in 21st century New Zealand. With the earthquake came power cut and the digital phone failed. People were asked to look for their retired anaolg telephones to send them down to Christchurch. Analog telephones still work.

Save the world, don't be too quick to junk still use-able equipment.

Ann, its not whether the phone is analogue or digital, its the way that they connect - analogue to a line and digital by wireless connection. The wireless needed mains electricity to make it work, while the analogue worked from batteries when the power went off - Dave

Addition:5.34pm March 2 2011
More than 5000 analogue phones have been distributed to quake-affected Christchurch residents - and more are on the way.
Telecom had a "fantastic" response after asking New Zealanders to donate their old telephones so those without power were still able to make phone calls, Telecom chief executive officer Paul Reynolds said.
Meanwhile, more than 55,000 calls have been made from 260 free Telecom payphones around Christchurch.


  1. Ann, its not whether the phone is analogue or digital, its the way that they connect - analogue to a line and digital by wireless connection. The wireless needed mains electricity to make it work, while the analogue worked from batteries when the power went off - Dave

  2. Thank you, Dave, you helped me explained what I couldn't.

  3. ya, old phones could be useful too.

  4. I never knew this difference between analog and digital, so explain it so well. I hope Christchurch gets many donations.

  5. That doesn't mean we don't want new tech. Just that we keep analog phone for backup.
