Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sunday Stills: Spring Preview

Sunday Stills, the next challenge: Spring Preview
Posted in Sunday Stills, Sunday Stills Challenge of the Week, the next challenge with tags Sunday Stills on February 6, 2011 by Ed

I don’t know about ya’ll but I’m sick of no color to photograph in winter. So with that lets dig into the archives for this week and lats see some color from previous springs and summers to warm us up a bit, more color and warmth the better..:-))

Thanks Ed, your are right, I remember my winters in Canada by February was dreary, wet with slush.

Here in New Zealand, we have a splash of colors, with love is in the air for weddings, and lambing and baby animals, festival goers and children in bouncy castles and vertical bungies.

Do come down under to New Zealand next February during our Waitangi day. It is sun sun sun, and fun fun fun.


  1. Lambs and spring go well together. I wish I can be there right at this nice!!

  2. Thanks for the virtual visit - lovely photos!

  3. What a great variety! My favorite is the wedding, although that lady seems dressed like a ballerina in a tutu! We have one of those vertical bungees in a mall, I took pictures of the kid's faces when they were flying!

  4. love the little piggies. End of this month it is already autumn Can't believe it

  5. Looks nice and warm, almost time for fall for you folks..:-))

  6. That's very in fashion apparently all over the world this jumping thing ! I personally prefer the little piggies ! lol !

  7. I always love farm animals, especially the cute pigs. :)

  8. Nice choices, pretty hard to think of winter when you are surrounded by all that color and activity.

  9. Looks festive! The animals are so cute.

  10. Looks so nice and warm! love the farm animals too.

  11. Feb - will keep that in mind. I've never seen NZ except for the airport!! Time to visit.
