Saturday, May 28, 2011

Breaking Free 28 May 2011

The talented leader of the Fijian team, Amelia Gavidi

Mrs. Williams and her friends, I told her she was very beautiful, and it turned out she is part Chinese.

Olwyn Dickson, the MC and past President. The lighting wasn't very good. Sorry Olwyn.

Another photo of Mrs. Williams and her friend.

The Hosanna Churches led by Seira Sola.

The Fijian team brought us many items of song, dance and drama.

Me with my new friend, Amelia. Bula Amelia, I think the solo drama you wrote and presented were great.

Inside the Northcote Baptist church. Just as the Mt Albert Baptist Church is thinking about rebuilding, I couldn't help by look around. The auditorium was nice, the ladies bathroom was really great. Perhaps, my church planning team should go and pay Northcote a visit.
I attended The Auckland Baptist Women's ministries "In Step with the Spirit...Breaking Free today. It was held at the Northcote Baptist church.

It was endearing to hear the President of the baptist Union and Missionary Society Lyn Campbell talk about the New Normal, and how the earthquake in Church has impacted us.
We have the various cultural groups in New Zealand presenting items of song, dances and talks. I enjoyed the Fijian Baptist Women's Ministry team especially the talented Amelia Gavidi who presented a powerful interpretation of the word poverty.

I want to thank Olwyn Dickson who invited me to talk. Many women came up to tell me my message impacted them. I made many new friends, and the dinner was delicious.


  1. Sounds like a blessed time was had. God be praised!

  2. You got lovely and colorful pictures, wish I could have seen it!

  3. It sounds like you had a very uplifting experience.

  4. Lovely photos, looking at faces, seems it was all uplifting to the spirit and everyone was happy. NICE
    Thank you for sharing. Have a great day. Lilly

  5. It's really great and you guys are doing great job.. nice collection..truly i inspired from this write up, thanks a lot for sharing this information here..
