Monday, May 2, 2011

Watery wednesday/Outdoor Wednesday: Fatal Tornado

I was driving home exactly when the tornado struck. Of course I didn't know though the visibility was very low.

A roof has collapsed at a mall in the Auckland suburb of Albany and the building has been evacuated.

Police have confirmed injuries in the area and have received reports of 2 deaths, and many injuries..

Emergency services say the tornado followed a straight line south from Albany before dying out near Pt Chevalier to the west of Auckland Central. reports the tornado that ripped through Albany would have had an average wind speed of 200km/hr.

The website's readers have reported cars lifted and thrown, roofs taken off and trees uprooted by the tornado.

Its head weather analyst Philip Duncan says that damage is consistent with wind speeds of between 180 and 200km/hr.


  1. Not Auckland too, as well as USA. How awful. My daughter goes to Auckland to work sometimes. I hope she wasn't there then. I received the book today and I am looking forward to finishing the story.

  2. Well done Ann! That was quick reporting. Good to hear your story - Dave

  3. What a disaster! Nature is unbalanced all over the world, and are people. I am glad that you are unharmed.

  4. So many tornadoes this year! Glad you are unharmed.

  5. Oh my gosh!!!! Did you see it, had there been any warnings announced on the radio or anything?

  6. It is new to me know about tornadoes hitting Auckland...hope all goes well. Saw it on the telly in Toowomba where I have been residing for the last couple of days...will be going home to Miri on Mother's day....

    Keep safe and keep well. God bless.

  7. this is terrible, hope you are ok x

  8. So glad you're safe, Ann. My sister-in-law's family are there in Auckland, and they're okay too. Unheard of, tornadoes of this ferocity in Auckland!

  9. strange, isn't it,since tornadoes are rarely reported to occur on islands whereby hurricanes/tsunamis are more likely to happen.

    glad you are ok.

  10. Wow Ann! How frightening! Glad you are OK!

  11. Glad to hear that you're ok, the first thing that struck me when I hear the news was you're in Auckland!! phewww

  12. I hope things have calmed down now and that there have been no further casualties. Shocking!
