Friday, September 9, 2011

FSO: Grand parents day

In 1986, I went with my older daughter to visit my parents on the Gold Coast in Australia.

My children's paternal grandma with my son.

My grandma, she is 101 years old. This photo was 20 years ago when she visited me in Singapore. She wears a traditional Chinese Sam Foo/suit pants.

These are my New Zealand parents, Ken and Lois Thornton. They didn't have children of their own, but they were marvelous to Asian students studying in Auckland. They also adopted two children from China.

My maternal grandma, in her traditional Chinese garb, Her style was different from my paternal grandma's. Her fisherman pants were black or navy blue. Just before this photo was taken, all her life, she wore her hair in a bun. Here, she had her hair permed.

The impetus for a National Grandparents Day originated with Marian McQuade, a housewife in Fayette County, West Virginia. Her primary motivation was to champion the cause of lonely elderly in nursing homes. She also hoped to persuade grandchildren to tap the wisdom and heritage their grandparents could provide. President Jimmy Carter, in 1978, proclaimed that National Grandparents Day would be celebrated every year on the first Sunday after Labor Day. When is Grandparents Day?
In 2011, Grandparents Day falls on Sept. 11th

to read more about Grandparents Day click here........


  1. That's a lovely family history Ann. I really enjoyed it. I didn't even know about grandparents day but I guess I better let my grandkids know about it ;>)!

    Seriously, I hope we can influence our grandkids as our grandparents did us. It's a wonderful gift to have that relationship.

  2. I have never seen my grandfathers. They passed away before I was born, but I had two wonderful grandmothers.

    Sadly, I didn't think of asking my grandmothers about their life in China when they were alive. And now my siblings and our children know very little about them.

  3. Such wonderful pictures! So you celebrate grandparents day there as well?

  4. Beautiful photos and your grandmother looks so proud. A marvelous idea grand parent day I agree that they should be homnoured more and get more attention as they indeed carry gret wisdom

  5. I've never met my paternal grandparents as they were in India till they passed away.

  6. You have great genes, I bet, since your grandmother is 101 years old! Thank you for showing us photos of your family.

  7. I love the photos of your grandparents. The last photo made me smile when you explained about the hair. This is a wonderful post.

  8. It's grandparents day at my place right now - I have three grand-daughters for the weekend. Tired already and another 24 hours to do.
    Love the photos of your grandmothers, especially the last one where she has a new hairdo - a brave thing to do at any age.

  9. My paternal grandmother too changed her hairstyle like that in her old age, after having had long hair (rolled up) all her life.

  10. I had not seen both grandmas for almost 10 years, so when I saw them with permed hair, I couldn't get used to it. Both of them must have made a pact, forget the old feudal custom, and permed their hair at about the same time.

    When i asked her why, I cried and said I like her with her bun, she said I won't understand. she had to groom her long hair every evening and morning. In the end, I think she was thinning, so she took the plunge, and cut the hair she had for 70 plus years. All the freedom!!!

  11. °º♫
    º° ✿♥ ♫° ·.
    Olá, amiga!°º♫
    Não tive a felicidade de conviver com meus avós.
    º° ✿♥ ♫°
    Bom fim de semana!
    º° ✿♥ ♫° ·.

  12. My paternal grandma didn't get gray hairs until very late, from my early childhood when staying over at my grandparents' I remember her combing her long dark hair at night and telling me my grandpa liked her long hair and did not wish her to cut it. She was 55 when I was born so that memory of mine must be from when she was around 60 or older.

  13. all of these shots are so nice Ann. I love the first one with Grandma sitting in the little chair holding your son. very cute. I have posted for Patriot Day.

  14. What an interesting article!!

    Never heard of Grandparents' Day here. Since it is American in nature I suppose many Americans must be celebrating it over there.

    In our church we honour parents and grandparents in May..usually they get hampers from the younger members.

    My two married daughters have not made me a grandma yet. LOL.

  15. Your grandma is lovely. I like her permed hair.

    But Chinese styled buns have always been my favourite because my maternel grandmother wore them all her life. I never knew her wearing any other style.

  16. Lovely!! I love my grandparents very much. They also love me more than anything in this world. They are darlings. Thanks for snaps also.
