Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sunday stills: On the road

Sunday Stills, the next challenge: On the Road
Sunday Stills on September 11, 2011 by Ed

Pretty straightforward, any type of pics of roads, straight,curvey, bends, paved, gravel, dirt… If you can, get some interesting scenery in your road shots..:-)

Last night during the Rugby world cup between New Zealand and Japan, there was a minute of silence. We both were affected by earthquakes. I remember when i visited Christchurch, I took lots of photos to document the effects of the earthquake.

These are some of the photos that makes my heart ache.


  1. At first I couldn't tell what was going on, I thought you had run into road work, then it becomes more obvious!

  2. Roads and road stories always touch the heart...thanks for the photos.

  3. nice one, is that a chapel?

  4. Re; your comment: those are flower garlands found in Serangoon Road, used to decorate the Hindu Gods in temples or homes.

  5. Signs, signs everywhere. How very sad to see some of the damage of the earthquakes.

  6. So sad to see the damage. That chapel is lovely - hope it has survived!

  7. Hello Ann, nice pics. Hope you are doing good. It's starting to rain here..seems like monsoon is coming early. Have a great week ahead. Hugs..MK

  8. Nice pics but they made me a bit melancholy, I hope they are getting things cleared up and good luck to NZ in the world cup, I had no idea Japan even played rugby...:-)

  9. nice photos, even if they are painful memories x

  10. earthquakes are such a terrifying disaster that had taken away many innocent lives.
