Thursday, October 27, 2011

FSO : October 28 - Creepy Crawlies!!

October 28 - Creepy Crawlies!!

In my school, caterpillars are not creepy. In New Zealand, people grow swan plants for the Monarch butteries to lay their eggs. The kids handle the caterpillars, and is an excellent lesson for the very hungry caterpillar and the life cycle of the butterfly.

A Mature Swan plant for Monarch butterfly caterpillar. In New Zealand, people grow the swan plants for the Monarch butterflies to lay their eggs. Soon, it is the season (peak of summer) for the caterpillars.
There is even a Monarch Butterfly Trust in New Zealand.

Temperature has an effect on the life-cycle; heat or warmer temps can speed up the life-cycle and cooler temps can pro-long the process.
Vote for my story, you can vote once a day. Voting finishes on November 15th. Thanks.


  1. hey..your kid is not scared at all! great.. by the way, when I logged into your reader digest link a moment ago, it said Page Not Found.. to go about it?

  2. That's really cool. Love the picture of the caterpillar. I love butterflies--they are like flying art.

  3. When I was little, walking home from school I used to gather them up, and would have a fist full when I got home. I would put them in a mayonnaise jar with some grass and holes punched in the top.

  4. Love the butterflies. I have butterfly bushes in my yard and they are covered all summer. Honor the Monarch for sure.

  5. We raised these in our classroom in the US. Fun!

    That must have been gorgeous to have a big clump of Bird of Paradise plant at your old house!

  6. I'm not really a big fan of the caterpillar, I rather see the pretty butterfly!

  7. Ahh, summer, swan plants, caterpillars and butterflies, it's a magical time.

  8. Children should be taught that all animals are worthy of our attention and protection. It's great to read that your school does just that.
    I was at the zoo the other day and I saw a mom with her little daughter. The mom went eeewww! loudly at every reptile, frog and insects they saw, it made me want to slap her. Why teach your child to be afraid or grossed out by animals?

  9. Ann, it is great that the schools teach this life cycle lesson in nature. I think the caterpillar and the Monarch butterflies are beautiful.

  10. Hi, The foam in my OWT shots is not soap, It is beaten water foam.

    You have a great post for the monarch. I have a Winged meme if you are interested to show it.

  11. every nice, soon to be a gorgeous butterfly after it creeps and crawls.

  12. Caterpillars and butterflies - a wonderful little miracle. Nice shoot.

  13. I think it's wonderful the kids feel comfortable with caterpillars!

  14. I've seen those on American blogs, I don't think we have them here. I don't know what the caterpillars of "my" butterflies look like! I know some of them feed on nettles so that would keep them safe from me... ;)

  15. I used to love to play with caterpillars when I was a kid. I haven't seen a real caterpillar in years though. I thnk it's great that the kids are your school get to learn about the cycle of life of the caterpillar turning into butterfly.

  16. I love caterpillars they are colorful and unique. Thanks for sharing Ann. Happy Friday!

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. I like to report an anonymous comment that I have been getting on my blogs which is offensive to half the American population. I am not American, and is still very angry with it. I have deleted the comment on my blogs, and I wonder if you have received any. I won't bother to mention the name because that would promote him further.

  19. Wonderfull color this carterpillar , became a wonderfull butterfly.
    greeeting from Belgium.

  20. Seetie, go to your dashboard page & somewhere there is a place to report people if not at the top of the blog front page. I am so sorry you are enduring this naughty person. Maybe if you click spam it will stop the comment coming thru also.

    Well, I love you ...

    We used to keep caterpillars but never got to see one become a butterfly. Love this post, my friend.

    BOO-T-ful Halloween wishes~
    TTFN ~

  21. Hi Ann,

    I'm glad that I haven't had any offensive comments yet. Sorry that you had to see such ugliness. Just realize that there is a lot of hatred out there from some very sick people and hope that you never experience it again!

    I work from photos that I take at the beach, my garden, and wherever I find a photo opportunity!

    Hope that you have a wonderful weekend!

  22. A catterpillars Love them I think it's the most amazing thing that they trun into beautiful butterflies

  23. Great!! We don't see so much of these...but we have big monitor lizards and other animals like anteaters at times.

    I used to see a lot of chameleons when walking through the rubber garden between the school and my home in Brooke Drive. Those were the days!!

  24. nice shoot out Ann. how fun to watch the transformation.

    one way to get rid of bad unwanted comments is to moderate them. use must have owners approval before it can be posted. and then also you can report them for spam.
