Thursday, October 20, 2011

FSO: Scavenger Hunt

October 21 - Scavenger Hunt suggested by Mark, Butler and Bagman - Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. I guess that is four.

Mark, Butler and Bagman, is there a wedding in the air?

Most of this post is for Cheryl of Life Is What You Make It.... She loves photographing hearts and manages to find hearts in the most unusual places.

I have always looked out for hearts for Cheryl. So here you are Cheryl, a 100 hearts. A family of sleeping dragons at Coyle's park, near the beach of my house.

Something old: the dragon is as old as the beginning of times.
Something new: it has been given a new coat of paint.
Something blue: It don't know if I like the dragon colored, it was just concrete before. I guess it attracts the children.

Something borrowed: Many years ago, my daughter G sprained her ankle, she borrowed the clutches from her friend. G's ankled recovered, G moved out to go flatting. The clutches are still "borrowed" in my house.

As for Mark, Butler and Bagman, I am afraid there will be no wedding in my household for a long time. LOL
Vote for my story, you can vote once a day.


  1. Dear Ann, Thank you so very much for the lovely thought! I so enjoyed this post and of course you knew I would love all of the hearts! This made my day, thank you again.

  2. Ann,the meaning of sugarloaf is:

    A sugarloaf was the traditional form in which refined sugar was produced and sold until the late 19th century when granulated and cube sugars were introduced. A tall cone with a rounded top was the end product of a process that saw the dark molasses-rich raw sugar, which had been imported from sugar cane growing regions such as the Caribbean and Brazil, refined into white sugar.Due to its resemblance to a sugarloaf cone, the early Portuguese explorers who discovered Rio de Janeiro in 1502, named Sugarloaf Mountain, nowdays one of the city´s main tourist attractions.

    Greetings from Roberto, Rio de Janeiro.

  3. This dragon is totally cool! I think I would prefer it painted, do the kids play on it, I betnthey love it!

  4. Clever choice, Ann.

    AND KEEP ON VOTING please, fellow commenters.

  5. So that's what at Coyle's Park. I know where it is but have never been there. Looks like a place kids would love!

  6. I like that colourful dragon! The clutches I can do without (and am thankful for that fact!)

  7. What a fascinating dragon! I love the beautiful and slightly odd things that people build in their communities.

  8. One thing for sure Ann, the Heart Monster gives new meaning to the word Scavenger. Great job on the photos and pulling them into the theme. What big teeth!

  9. Hi Ann, great post for FSO. I just could not come up with anything. Seems like we just did this theme. Thanks for your visit.

  10. At first I couldn't figure out where the head of the dragon, lol! I like the colors too. ^_^

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. this "dragoon" is so strange, unusual, but funny! I guess kids like it very much! Yes, I'll be watching rugby, I'm a great fan! :o)

  13. that dragon would fit in my garden ! I bed everybody would stop !

  14. I love the dragon. very colorful and cute with the hearts down it's back.
