Friday, February 17, 2012

Photo hunting: Circles

Our school has an open policy, there is no gate to lock people out. But some people stetch this policy too much by coming with their dogs. Once a child got bitten by a dog. We had to say, sorry no dogs. Sometimes some idiots tie the dogs just by the entrance and go and wait for their kids. The poor dogs get tired and hot, and start to bark a lot. Ot can be quite menacing to small children who don't have dogs, and to big people like me. I have a phobia because a neighbour dog caused a few stitches in my bum.

This Chinese pattern was on the front a of pocket/bag that I put outside my teaching space. Last years Chinese New Year was when school had just strated so, I did a lot of Chinese New Year Activities. TThis year, it was during the holidays, so I didn't do anything.


  1. A lovely idea Ann...
    Choosing a theme to capture while out and about..
    Your images are lovely..
